Seongsang - Soulmates

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Storyline: Soulmate AU, where you can write your soulmate over your skin after your 20th birthday. But what if one of them is already in love with someone?

TW: None

Words: 3720

Author: Enyra

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POV Yeosang:

"Hey Yeosang, are you excited about tomorrow?" Tired, I dropped down on my bed. Tomorrow was my 20th birthday, and I will finally get the ability to write to my soulmate. Well just in case, they are already 20 years old. I looked over to Wooyoung, who was standing near the door. "I don't know...", I sighed and closed my eyes. We just finished practising our new choreography and I wanted nothing more than just to go to sleep.

"But why? I think it's exciting writing your soulmate and searching for them", Wooyoung said and went over to my bed. "I guess..." I was not really thrilled to meet my soulmate or my soulmate to meet me. There are a lot of reasons why and Wooyoung knew none of them.

"It's because of Seonghwa, isn't it?"

Well, I thought he knew none of them. "I don't know what you're talking about", I muttered. "Oh come on. Even a blind person can see it." "Then why are you even asking?", I asked annoyed. He just shrugged. "It's kind of fun teasing you." "I hate you." "Nah, you love me", he said draping himself over my body. "Woo, get up, you're annoying", I demanded, but he didn't move. After trying to get him off of me, I gave up and just decided to sleep.

"You should take a shower before sleeping", Wooyoung stated. "I would have taken one by now if you didn't capture me here." "But I want to cuddle", he pouted. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Then go to San", I suggested and lucky for me, he got up after that and went to San's room.

I forced myself to get up from bed and took a shower. After that, I changed into some jogging pants and an oversized pullover and laid on my bed again. I turned off the light on my nightstand and closed my eyes. I felt, how I slowly dozed off into my dream world, but was suddenly wide awake when my stomach started to growl.

I sighed and got up from my bed and went to the kitchen. I saw the other members sitting on the sofa, watching TV. "What are you watching?", I asked while walking over to them. "Nothing really, just the news", Hongjoong answered. "Didn't you go to sleep? Woo said, that you were tired?", asked Seonghwa. I nodded. "I wanted to sleep, but I'm hungry. I'll just eat a little and go to bed again", I explained and went over to the fridge, searching for something to eat.

"Should I make you something?", asked Seonghwa. I shrugged. "If you want, you can", I said. Seonghwa's cooking is just too good to say no to. "Why are you cooking for him, but not for us?" Mingi pouted while looking at Seonghwa. "Because I can", he stated in a monotone voice. "No fair..."

Seonghwa just shook his head and sighed. "So, what do you want?", he asked. "Can you make the same thing, you made me a week ago? That was delicious", I asked and he nodded. "Of course. You can wait on the sofa", he said. "I can help you if you want?", I said. "Thank you, but you're really tired, so you can just sit down, while I'm cooking", he explained and ruffled my hair a bit.

I turned around, trying to hide my blushing cheeks and went over to the sofa. I tried focusing on the TV, but couldn't help looking over to Seonghwa, while he was cooking. He looked ethereal, as he was standing there in jogging pants and a t-shirt. I still couldn't figure it out, what about his appearance was so alluring to me. Was it his face? His eyes? His hands? I couldn't put my finger on it. I was lost in my daydreaming and didn't notice that Seonghwa already finished cooking.

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