Seongjoong - Star 1117

275 7 4

Storyline: Seonghwa got lost in a forest because he wanted to follow a voice.

TW: none

Words: 5906

Author: Enyra

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I was breathing heavily, as I was stumbling through the woods. I didn't know, how much time went by since I entered the forest near our city. My phone was fully charged, but somehow I can't turn it on. Everything looks both familiar and foreign at the same time.

I decided to turn right, as I went left a few moments before. If I wouldn't be lost, this forest would have been magnificent. The ground was covered in moss, the trees looked old and myasthenic and the bushes carried multiple types of berries.

I knew better than eating those. I've never seen those before and didn't want to risk anything.

I stopped for a moment and let my breathing calm down a bit. You might ask yourself, why I even am in this situation right now. Well, it's a little bit complicated. A few weeks prior, when I was near this forest with my friends at night, I heard someone singing from in there. It was always the same song. Sometimes the voice paused in between and carried on later. My friends, however, couldn't hear it. I decided to just leave it, but that song wouldn't go out of my head.

So now, a few weeks later, I went back. Prepared with a fully charged phone, a power bank and some food and drinks. I didn't tell my friends, as they would call me crazy for following a voice, that only I could hear.

So now, here I am, lost in the woods. My phone won't turn on, even if I charge it with my power bank, which still is fully charged. Luckily, I still have some food and water, but not that much anymore. I didn't hear the voice again, so I was questioning, what I even heard that night.

I did't carry a watch, so I had no idea, what time it was. I looked at the trees, standing near me and noticed something. The moss is mostly just on one side of the trunks. I tried to remember a Tiktok video I once saw, where they explained, how you could survive in the forest.

The moss happened to grow just on one side of the trees. Which one was it? Was it south or north? I couldn't remember it, but I think, that it was north. The longer I thought about it, the more it made sense. Moss grows preferably in the shadow and as I am in the northern hemisphere, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Throughout the day, the sun is in the south, so the north sides of the trees have almost always shadows.

I looked to the sky. If I was right in my assumption of the moss, the sun is standing in the west. So it should be late afternoon. I decided to just walk north. At some point, I had to find the exit.

I took a deep breath

before I continued on my way. I strolled around for some time, at some point I even found a small stream, where I decided to fill up my water bottle. I was near a small beautiful lake, when the sun set and painted the sky a gorgeous orange.

I realised, that I have to spend the night in this forest, as I would not be able to walk through the woods at night. I remembered the Hunger-Games-Movies, where Katniss slept on a tree. I decided to also try to climb up a tree but had to give it up a short time later. I couldn't even get two meters above the ground.

I looked around, hoping to spot some kind of cave or something else, where I would be reasonably safe.

I saw some bushes next to a big stone, where I couldn't be seen that easily. I decided to go there and relax a little. I wasn't feeling comfortable sleeping, as I'm completely alone, with no one to help me if needed.

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