Jongsang - Everything

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Storyline: Inspired by Jongho's solo song: Everything.

TW: None

Words: 2199

Author: Enyra

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I watched as my breath turned white because of the freezing winter night. The cold air stung on my cheeks and burned in my eyes as I was taking one step at a time.

The sound of the snow getting compressed under my shoes was soothing. The snow absorbed all the noises, even the cars passing me sounded like they were much more farther away.

I took a deep breath, letting the freezing air burn my throat and turned around the corner. I tucked my head a little more in my scarf to block out the cold. Luckily, I soon saw my apartment door.

I quickened my steps for the last few meters, desperate to get into my cosy apartment. I struggled a little to put the key in the lock with my cold fingers but still managed to open the door.

As I closed the door again, I took off my jacket and slipped out of my shoes.

I rubbed my hands together in order to warm them and made my way to the kitchen to finally make me some hot chocolate.

However, the burning in my eyes never stopped.

The blocky feeling in my throat never went away.

My trembling hands never calmed down.

The warmth never returned.

I took the burning hot cup in my hands and sat on the sofa.

Cold, I thought as I shivered slightly.

I slowly sipped at the chocolate, waiting for the warmth to finally spread through my body.

It never happened.

The burning in my eyes increased as I smelled the chocolate, reminding me of him.

I looked at the mug as if it slapped me across the face.

I placed it back on the living room table and stared at the empty space next to me.

I felt a tear slowly making its way down.

I really fucked up, didn't I...

Suddenly it seemed as if a dam had burst inside me and the tears just streamed down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably. I let my head fall forward and pulled my hair back in despair.

I tried to calm myself down. But no matter how deep I tried to breathe, it never really reached my lungs. I pressed my hand over my heart.

Why does it hurt so much? It's my own fucking fault!

I cried and cried until I was too exhausted to continue. I just laid motionless on the couch, head empty. Only memories of him flew through my brain.

All the things we did together, all the adventures we went on, all the cute moments we had. How his dark hair flowed in the wind, how his laugh sounded through the room, how his smile never failed to lift my mood and how his eyes sparkled every time he looked at something he loved.

I remembered how his hair felt like while I drew my fingers through them, how his cheeks went red whenever I complimented him and how his heartbeat sounded, whenever I hugged him.

I smiled sadly at the beautiful memories until the dark ones came to my mind.

The way he grew more and more distant to me, the way he didn't look at me the same as before, the way he never really cuddled up to me anymore and finally, the way he left me, without turning back.

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