Seongsan - Pretty orange

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Storyline: The passionate photographer Seonghwa goes to art university and is in love with his best friend, the artist San. What happens when an ordinary afternoon suddenly turns into a rollercoaster of emotions?

TW: None

Words: 4474

Author: Rony

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Pov. Park Seonghwa*

In the background, you could hear the gentle rustling of leaves on the trees, laughing students, and birdsong as I breathed in and out deeply. The smell of freshly mown grass also created a peaceful atmosphere.

Kinda funny, I almost forgot that I was on the sports field behind the university.

The stress and demands of my studies faded in the pleasant mood that surrounded me.

It was so cozy that I could almost fall asleep. Perhaps it was because of my soft backpack, which I used as a pillow. 

The contents consisted only of a laptop, a few books, and my gray sweater.

Okay, that doesn't sound very soft and comfortable, but it was an interim solution instead of laying my head on the grass where the ants could more easily crawl onto my face.

My best friend Choi San was sitting next to me, engrossed in his drawing. His pencil glided over the white paper and you could hear the pleasant scratching of the lead.

But as if a rain shower was trying to spoil the good mood, a sudden, corrosive thought made me frown in irritation, while an uneasy feeling spread through my stomach.

For weeks I had been trying to find the perfect snapshot for the photo club competition. The deadline was getting closer and closer. It was already around the corner, right in front of the door, knocking hysterically.

Just to be clear: I was not interested in winning the competition.

Ironically, I already had a lot of photos. However, none of them were perfect. That was entirely my fault because when it came to my passion, I was very picky and hard to impress.

As a result, the stress gnawed at me and weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Involuntarily, I slowly opened my eyes. I raised one arm to protect myself from the sun's rays and blinked a few times. Suddenly, San's warm grin came into my field of vision as he gazed at me carefully.

My heart beat a little faster at the sight of him. He looked so stunning that it almost took my breath away.

The bright sunlight emphasized the delicate contours of his face, while strands of his black hair swayed in the wind. His features were artfully sculpted, the smooth line of his neck and the way his eyes caught the light were almost magical.

It wasn't just the outer beauty that captivated me, but also his calm charisma and incredibly strong character.

At that moment, the world around us seemed to fade away and it felt like I was trapped in a bubble where there was just San and me.

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