Jeongmin - UR not stupid

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Storyline: Jeongin is about to be kicked out of his vocational baccalaureate and the parallel class student Seungmin is in the right place at the right time.

TW: Self-hatred

Words: 3799

Author: Rony

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Pov. Yang Jeongin*

I sat in a stuffy office and felt the heaviness of the situation sticking in my throat.

For six months, I had been attending the vocational baccalaureate, but my grades betrayed despair and were at rock bottom.

The principal had just informed me that I was on the brink of being expelled from school. There was only one way to turn things around and fulfill the requirements. But I doubted my abilities and my willpower waned due to the pressure.

"If you don't score at least 80 out of 100 points in the next math exam to improve your average, I'm afraid I'll be forced to expel you," the principal said sternly, her words cutting through the air like a bitterly cold wind.

"But don't hang your head and study hard. Don't think about slacking off, you'll get through this," she tried to cheer me up as her compassionate eyes met mine.

Despite her words of encouragement, they bounced off my shell of self-doubt. The vocational baccalaureate was my path to my dream job, and without it, stones would be placed in my way. The half year I had already spent from August to this point in January would have been for nothing.

A waste of time

This gap will look terrible on my applications. They'll think I'm lazy and stupid.

"You can do it," she continued, as I was still caught up in my thoughts.

I can do it? How was that possible? The exam was tomorrow, the subject was far too difficult, I'll never manage that in my life. It made me feel foolish, like a useless idiot. While the lessons seem so easy for everyone, I'm always the last one trotting along like a donkey, not even understanding the basics.

"Isn't there any other way to stay?" I asked hesitantly, trying to hide the uncertainty in my voice. With one hand, I gripped my thigh to suppress the trembling.

My answer melted like a bitter taste on my tongue, while the little wheels in my head rattled wildly searching for a solution.

"Rules are rules. If you don't meet the requirements, I'm afraid you'll have to leave." Those words were like a slap in the face with the flat of her palm, if not her whole hand.

"Yang, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. You'll definitely make it," came quietly from her mouth when I didn't answer again and instead stared dumbly at my quivering thighs.

"Until then, I wish you successful learning. Unfortunately, I have to go to a meeting now," she explained and stood up. I slowly rose too, shouldered my backpack and was escorted to the door by her. Before I knew it, I was back in the corridor, which was full of students. Feeling isolated, the voices of self-doubt grew louder.

You are stupid

Why can't you do it? I am sure you are just to lazy, you aren't even trying hard

You should never have started vocational baccalaureate, you can't do it anyway, dummy...

You're so pathetic, shame on you. What do your parents say?

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