[Ch.2] Training

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Livitz sat on her desk texting on her phone, she was wondering where Mr.Aizawa was and when class was going to start. "Sizuki! Please do not treat the school property so poorly! Sit in your desk properly!" Iida air chopped his hand toward her. She nodded and hopped off of her desk and sat in her seat, not too long after, everyone's attention had been driven to the door of the classroom.

"I am here!" All Might leaned his body forward into the class. The class was in utter shock, Livitz's eyes widened with excitement and surprise from seeing the #1 hero before her. "It's All Might! Oh my god, the Symbol of Peace is right in front of me!" Her thoughts began running wild, full of adrenaline.

"Hello class, I will be your Hero Studies teacher!" All Might smiled brightly at the class. "Today, we will have a Battle Trial. We will have a Hero team and a Villain team." All Might's hand was directed to the left side of the classroom. A row of walls opened up and before the class was numbered bins. "These bins each contain your Hero outfits. We have designed them to fit and look the way you designed them at the beginning of the year."

He paused before continuing, "Take your numbered bin and go to the locker room and get changed out." All Might began calling everyone by number to go and grab their bins. Livitz received her bin and walked off to the Girl's Changing Room.


Sitting in the Observer Room, Livitz stood near Kirishima. She has been teamed up against Mina and Aoyama, her teammate being Kirishima. The first match they were watching was Deku and Uraraka versus Bakugou and Iida.

"This is either going to go horribly wrong or horribly right for Izu and Katsuki..." Her mind began to ponder what could possibly occur.

Watching the screens, they saw Iida and Bakugou stand in the Weapon room for about 30 seconds, before watching Bakugou walk off. Nearly 45 seconds after, Bakugou launched a sneak attack at Deku and Uraraka. "Sneak attack, Bakugou?!" Kirishima scowled at his actions, "What kind of man pulls cheap shit like that?!" He made two balls of fists and pressed them together, roughly. "It is a viable strategy, he's playing the part. Acting as a true villain would." All Might commented on Bakugou's source of combat skill and intelligence.

"It didn't work though, Midoriya dodged it!" Mina cracked a smile. "You got this, Izu!" The students started getting worked up and excited with the battle before them. "Look, there he goes!" An electric blonde boy stated.

Bakugou bolted toward Deku and Uraraka, attempting another blast at them. Deku, quick to action, grabs his arm, shifts his body, and throws Bakugou onto his back. As Bakugou began to pick himself up, the two began talking back and forth. Looking toward the ground, Bakugou sparked explosions in his palms.

No sound coming from the video footage being shown, Bakugou's lips formed three distinct words. Livitz's eyes caught this and her heart sank. "Katsuki hates Izu..." Her mind echoed the singular thought in her brain. Her eyes fogged up slightly from tears, quickly wiping them away.

She hated seeing the two of them fight, even worse she hated seeing Bakugou bring Deku down. Kirishima, noticing her movements, realized her emotions. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, embracing her in a warm hug. Surprised at his actions, she turned around and hugged him back, tightly. After a moment, they released and continued to watch the battle.

When looking back at the camera feed, Uraraka ran off, while Bakugou launched at Deku. "Um, sir? Why can we not hear what they are saying?" Kirishima turned his head toward All Might, raising an eyebrow. "That is the way the video footage is set up." All Might calmly replied, before continuing. "He's got a radio in his ear, so he can communicate with his partner. I gave both teams one, the villains were also given a map of the building and capture tape as well. Wrapping it around your opponent means that you've apprehended them, and they are out for the rest of the remaining time." All Might concluded his statement.

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