[Ch.17] Hero Names

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"You are Livitz Sizuki!" Startled from hearing her name on her way to school, Livitz turned quickly to see where the voice had come from. "Amazing job, you did great in the UA Sports Festival." More people began recognizing her and congratulated her on her amazing strength against such strong competitors.

Shocked that people would recognize her, Livitz had turned a blush pink from embarrassment. Getting stopped by dozens of viewers and some reporters, Livitz had barely made it to class on time. Most people had wanted an interview/autograph for her being the only female to get to the finals in the Sports Festival.

Not only that but hearing so many people impressed and inspired by her strength and abilities, boosted her confidence a lot. "Did you get stopped by reporters too Sizuki?" Panting rapidly, Livitz nodded her head when looking up at Mina. "It is astonishing how one Sports Festival impacted our reputation drastically."

Hearing the classroom door open, Aizawa greeted them. "Mr.Aizawa, you don't have any more bandages." Tsuyu spoke, resting a finger atop her chin. "Yeah, the old lady went overboard in her treatment," Pausing momentarily, he looked to the class from the front.

"Now, time to test your hero informatic knowledge..." Scaring half the class ghost white, specifically those who weren't very good at things involving a variety of hero knowledge, he quickly dismissed any worries. "Time to pick your code names."

Cheering from finally being able to choose their hero names, the students of 1-A were riled up. "These code names will be used for your next upcoming hero draft internships. Pros from across the country have agreed to take on newbies like you, despite most students not doing this till a higher year."

As he continued, he explained that Pro Heroes had been sending in requests to take the students in on Internships. Where they will learn from an upfront experience and will see how to be a hero. Presenting the results on the board above, Todoroki had out beaten everyone with requests.

Shocking everyone, especially Livitz and Bakugou, Livitz didn't mind it too much seeing how she had gotten 2045 offers. Despite most of the class placing high in the Sports Festival, only a few of them had offers. "Even if you didn't receive any offers, you all will be taking on an Internship from a list you will be given momentarily. Now when choosing a code name, be discreet and careful or--" Being cut off by Midnight walking into the room, Livitz smiled seeing her icon being the confident beauty she was.

"Or you'll have hell to pay later!" Gracefully strutting into the classroom, she stood before the class beside Aizawa. "What you decide as your code name today, could be your name for life. With that being said, be careful when choosing your name." Aizawa agreed with Midnight's statement. "Code names aren't my forte, so Midnight will be approving them."

Aizawa zipped himself up into his sleeping bag and fell asleep in the corner of the class. Passing around whiteboards and black markers, the students began writing down ideas for what their names could be. Livitz had been doodling random little patterns onto her empty board, not able to think of anything.

As the students began presenting their names, Livitz enjoyed seeing the creativity of her friends. Eventually, Bakugou stood and presented his name. "King Explosion Murder." On the verge of dying from laughter, Livitz covered her mouth. Remembering what his Xbox Gamertag was, she thought the odds were hysterical.

Midnight disagreed and sent him to rethink his choice. Elivity had presented her name as The Metal Bending Hero: Meta. Livitz thought it was creative and suited Elivity well. While everyone else had gone, Deku, Livitz, and Bakugou were left to choose their names. Slowly but surely, Deku stood and presented his name.

Shocking everyone, including Livitz, no one could believe the name he had chosen. "Someone close to me taught me that this name could have a different meaning." Looking forward, he confidently presented his name with a smile. "Deku, that has to be my hero name."

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