[Ch.22] Return to Class 1-A

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Within the remaining days of the internships, Livitz alongside Iida and Todoroki returned to their internships. Upon getting back though, Livitz was having to pack her things and leave to return to UA.

"Thanks again for letting me come here. I appreciate the wise guidance and good advice I received." Livitz hugged Chiharu tightly, thinking about the events of the past week and how it was all a huge learning experience for her, especially Hosu. "And I am sorry for my actions during Hosu. I shouldn't have left your sight of command, regardless of finding Stain with my classmates."

Chiharu smiled at Livitz, happy to see that she'd learned and grown from the life changing experience. "I forgive you. Although, I am extremely proud of you for how well you fought against Stain... You not only saved the lives of your classmates, but you possibly just saved dozens of possible heroes from losing their lives. I am so incredibly proud of you, Liv." Pulling away from the hug, Chiharu stared into Livitz's widened green eyes.

As a shaky smile pursed from her lips, Livitz's eyes glimmered with the same fiery spark that she's had since she was young. Giving a nod, Livitz grabbed her bags and turned to get into the leaving train. "I love you Haru. I hope to see you again soon." Chiharu lightly waved to her cousin as she stepped onto the train, watching it startup. "I love you too, Angelface."

Watching the doors shut, Chiharu slowly pushed her hands into her hoodie pockets. Letting her expression gradually drop, she lowered her eyes as she stared at the concrete ground. 'Now I can finally get back to work...' She thought as she turned to leave the train station, a small grin pursing from her lips. '....But thanks Keigo... I guess I did need her...'


"I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS THIS AMAZING KATSUKI!!" Livitz erupted harshly into laughter alongside Elivity, Sero, and Kirishima whenever seeing Bakugou in class the following Monday. Meanwhile, he gripped his hand into a fist, threatening to kill them. "We'd love to see you try, pretty boy!~" Sero and Livitz said, cracking up even harder when Bakugou's hair sprung freely of the gel firmly keeping it down. Holding onto the edge of a desk, Livitz fell to her knees as tears filled her eyes from how hard she was laughing. Upon hearing the vague squeals but muffled laughter of Sero and Kirishima, Livitz and Elivity moved away to prevent dying at the hands of the angered ash blonde.

Lightly stumbling over to where Deku was, Livitz sat on top of Tokoyami's desk as her laughter began to slowly calm down. Hearing the conversation midway through a sentence, they seemed to be talking about the outcome of the events that took place in Hosu. She wasn't listening too much until hearing Kaminari comment on a video recently uploaded online and how Stain was mildly 'cool'.

"Kaminari!..." Livitz and Deku called his name at the same time, not wanting Iida to possibly remember what happened to his older brother. "Midoriya, Sizuki... It's fine. I understand how the Hero Killer can be seen as cool. He was tenacious and cunning... but rather than helping the world, his beliefs led him into murder. No matter the reasoning, killing isn't something to be condoned."

Livitz looked down for a moment before hearing him continue. "In order to prevent anyone from suffering like me, I promise to become the perfect hero!" Watching Deku lightly encourage him on, Iida soon returned to his normal, rule binding self. Ordering them all to their desks, Livitz swiftly hopped off of Tokoyami's desk before walking back over to her own.

Within seconds, Aizawa walked in and greeted the class. He wasn't alone though, not only was All Might behind him but there was another student. The student was a female standing at roughly 4'9 inches, with short dirty brown hair, and deep hazel brown eyes. She wasn't very busty or plump, but she was skinny and extremely beautiful from what could be seen.

As the class began to lightly question who it was, Todoroki was the first to widen his eyes at the sight of her. "Class, this is Izakai Senshi. She is a new student to UA that is coming into class 1-A from special transfer recommendations. Senshi, why don't you introduce yourself?" Nudging the short girl, Livitz was wide eyed with the fascination of the new student.

"Right. Hello, as said, my name is Izakai Senshi. My quirk is Hydrokinesis. I can bend the water around me and change the structural integrity of water molecules. I can make a variety of water based materials including both ice and snow." Izakai had a serious expression when speaking, giving off the vibe that she wasn't the humorous or laid back type. She seemed more stern and devoted with the look in her eyes and tone of her speaking.

When she was finished with her brief introduction, Aizawa told her that they would soon have a desk put in behind Todoroki and beside Elivity. Giving a simple nod of her head, she understood. Livitz was awestruck with Izakai. She wasn't like any other girl in the class. That was what drew her closer with fascination and curiosity.


Suited up and at Field Gamma, the class was standing by to watch a race about to take place between Sero, Deku, Mina, Iida, and Ojirou. Livitz had been assigned to group 3, placing her against Kirishima, Elivity, Mineta, Jirou, and Todoroki. Gazing off to the side as the class began to theorize who would win in this match, Livitz saw Todoroki and Izakai calmly conversing with one another.

Surprised, Livitz didn't expect Izakai to really be the chattering type. Not wanting to approach her to make an introduction just yet, Livitz turned her head back to the screen as the race commenced. While others were skeptical of how Deku would do, Livitz had hope in him that he would win compared to the others. Thinking back to when finding out about One for All and the battle in Hosu, Livitz knew that Deku was going to grow significantly if he inherited the power of the #1 hero.

As soon as the race began, Livitz's thoughts proved to be right as Deku swiftly leaped into action. Flipping and jumping from left to right, Livitz raised a brow... the movements looked familiar to her and different from the movement he had when fighting Stain...

'Katsuki...' Her eyes looked over to Bakugou, who showed pure displeasement with what he was seeing. His expression seemed annoyed and angered that Deku was copying his fighting strategy. Quickly looking back at the screen, Livitz saw Deku slip off a pole and lose his place from the loss of balance. Facepalming herself, she chuckled softly before hearing that Sero was the winner of the 1st race.


Upon returning to class, Livitz saw Izakai walking alone in the hallway. Finding that moment to be a perfect time to talk to her, she quickly approached with a soft smile. "Hey! You're the new student Senshi, ri-" Before even finishing, Izakai cut her off. "I am here to focus on my goals while also training hard to be the person I want to be. I would prefer to handle it without any distractions."

Livitz looked at her in pure shock at what she just heard. "Oh... okay then..." Livitz stopped in her tracks while watching Izakai walk off. Rubbing her elbow nervously, Livitz was unsure of how to react to what was just said. 'Wow.... she could've been a little nicer about it at least...' Soon continuing her walk to class, Livitz found Izakai to continue to be strangely stern... but also alluring.

Editor Eve:

Introduction of my friend's oc, Izakai!

I don't know why I didn't originally have her written in earlier, but I decided why not.

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