[Ch.7] USJ Attack

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Waking up to the loud ringing noise of her alarm, Livitz groggily arose from the couch and rubbed her eyes. Stumbling to quickly turn off the alarm, she stopped it and looked around seeing that Deku was still at her house. "Oh shit, Izu forgot to go home last night. He needs to get ready for school still." Nudging the green haired boy awake, he slowly opened his eyes and was met by hers.

"Izu, get up, I have to get you home so you can get ready for school." Walking to her kitchen, she grabbed the keys to her father's car. Glancing back to the couch, she saw Deku heading toward the front door. The two walked to the car and started up the engine, before pulling out of her driveway and driving toward Deku's house.

"Good thing dad is on a trip for work, I don't trust Izu walking home barely awake..." Livitz turned onto the street that had Deku's apartment just a little ways away. "Would you mind apologizing to your mom for me? I didn't mean to fall asleep last night, I was just tired, and my body needed the rest..." She parked the car on the curb beside the apartments. Resting her hands in her lap, she looked toward Deku.

He gently nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll do that. See you at school, Liv." Deku smiled softly before getting out of the car and waving toward her. Livitz waved back before driving back to her house to get ready for school. "That was a close one, thank god for my alarm." Talking to herself, she turned the car and went onto her street.

Pulling into the driveway mere seconds later, she parked the car and locked it before walking into her house. "Jet! Akemi! Jaku! Get up, we have school!"


Sitting on her desk, Livitz was socializing with Mina and Jiro. "You look like you had a long night, Sizuki." Rubbing the back of her neck, she giggled nervously. "More like an early morning..."

"When the bell rings, you should be in your seats." Practically scurrying into their assigned seats, Livitz had her arms crossed against the desk. "Morning, today we will be doing something a little different than we have in the past few days." Holding up a flashcard, it had capitalized words that read 'RESCUE'.

The class practically on the edge of their seats when seeing this were riled up with internal excitement. "Rescue? Does this mean we will be practicing rescue missions, Mr.Aizawa?" Elivity raised her hand, dropping the question. "Yes, please let me explain."

"Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be putting you through a rescue training simulator. The rescues will consist of all types of disasters that can occur, so we will need to take a bus to get to the facility where we are hosting this training." Guiding his hand to the left side of the room, the costume bins opened up. "Wear what you want in this exercise. I know you are thrilled about costumes, but your quirk may have small weaknesses that come with these. That's all, class dismissed."

Walking to her numbered bin, Livitz grabbed it and walked to the girl's locker room with Elivity. Getting changed rather quickly, Livitz met Elivity outside the school grounds as they all waited for the bus. After a few minutes of just mingling and talking with one another, Iida kicked off his duty as 'Class Rep' immediately.

"This bus layout ruined my boarding strategy..." Iida was internally cursing at himself, discouraged by how the bus was laid out with seats. It was clear to Livitz that Iida was going to take his job very seriously. Sitting next to Deku, Livitz was looking out the window, counting the trees and car as they passed by.

"That power of yours, isn't it a lot like All Might's?" Both the green and blonde haired girl tensed up and freaked out when hearing Tsuyu speak. Before either of them could say something though, Kirishima stepped in. "Whoa, hold on Tsu. All Might doesn't hurt himself when using his power."

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