[Ch.20] Fight or Flight

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Hosu was quiet as the afternoon began turning to the early evening. Livitz and Chiharu, alongside some of Endeavor's sidekicks, were patrolling the peaceful streets as they silently searched for Stain.

"Haru, what will happen if we do find Stain?" Livitz looked down a few darkened alleyways as she spoke to Chiharu. "Call for backup and take him down so he can be arrested for his crimes." Chiharu flew above the ground, scanning over the areas that couldn't be seen by the heroes below.

The blonde nodded her head as she awkwardly rubbed her arm before cracking her knuckles. Everything felt too quiet and calm for a mass killer on the loose. As the patrols continued, Livitz started loosening up with her concerns and tense body. "We're meeting up with Endeavor. No signs of the Hero Killer being here, we may have gotten our observations of Stain incorrect."

Livitz shrugged, agreeing with what Chiharu had said as she came down from the high view. As they walked back to the hotel, Livitz kept her arms crossed as she looked down at Chiharu's shoes. Feeling everything happen at once, they all heard a loud explosion in the far distance.

Her heart raced as Livitz imagined what could've happened. Chiharu, on the other hand, immediately launched herself from the ground and back into the air. Gazing over and at the areas around them, she pointed in a direction. "5 blocks northeast from here!"

Running quickly, Livitz watched as Chiharu flew to the fiery blaze that seemed to be growing vastly and quickly. Taking a few minutes to arrive, Livitz soon caught up with the sidekicks and Chiharu. "Goldie! Evacuate nearby civilians!" Her eyes were struck from the blaze of fire as she saw Nomu's surrounding her and other heroes. "Do not engage with these creatures! Go now!!"

Chiharu began to swiftly punch the creatures while flying around and attempting to calm down the enlarged flames. Letting out a breath, Livitz began helping the evacuation of nearby watchers, getting them out of the way and to safety. "Stay along this road and don't approach any unknown beings!" Guiding people with her hand movements, she directed them to a clear area that was northeast of the flames and Nomu's.

Handing a little girl to her mother, she felt her pocket vibrate. Confusing her with the strange timing, she saw a shared location from Deku. Her brow raised and she was curious as to what the reasoning was behind his message. Opening the location, she saw that it was roughly two blocks away from her, in an alleyway

Biting the bullet of hesitation, she bolted as she followed the directions to the alleyway. Upon approaching though, she felt a wave of both heat and a cold breeze run across her exposed skin. The next thing she knew, she heard the mixed yelling of her friend's voices.

Unsure of what was going on, she dashed down the alleyway and saw Todoroki as expected. Nearby was an unknown pro, Iida, and Deku that laid on the ground with the inability to move. Meanwhile, the cold and heart racing killer jumped up while throwing a knife to slice the skin against Todoroki's cheek.

Reacting impulsively to the fight or flight situation, she jumped in front of Todoroki and swung her hand from back to front as she summoned her acid on command. Ignoring the aching tensions of her muscles, she struck Stain twice as she pulled the acid back and fired again before snapping her fingers.



All three males were surprised to see the young female at the scene and moving her quirk in a graceful, but powerful new way. "I won't let you hurt them!" Right when she was about to strike again, a knife flew right against her left forearm and Stain pulled her forward, his long hideous tongue trailing out with an attempt to lick her bleeding cut.

Before she could try to dodge him, Todoroki snatched her back and struck his flames out at Stain, barely missing the strands of her hair. Pushing the hero killer away from them, Livitz stood alongside Todoroki as she swiftly pulled acid and bent it to quickly attack. Dashing forward and striking the acid at Stain, Livitz snapped her fingertips midair. Once landing on the ground, she slid to the side as Todoroki fired off a fiery blaze in the direction of the villain she'd just attacked. Seeing Livitz close to the flames with her eyes shut to protect herself, Stain took this as an opening to attack her since she'd become a quick problem for him.

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