[Ch.13] Battle On!

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Throwing her head harshly back, Livitz was on the verge of tears. This was probably one of the funniest situations that had occurred all year since starting UA. Although Livitz liked Iida and was supporting him in the Festival, this utter humiliation and embarrassment from being a human showcase was absolutely hysterical.

"I-I.... oh god...." While Livitz was breathless from how hard she was cracking up, Deku and some of the others were slightly amused as well, but mostly felt bad from it occurring on national live TV. The 4th match concluded finally after 10 minutes and shortly after began the 5th match between Mina and Aoyama.

The girls were all holding onto the bars and cheering for Mina, wanting her to advance to the next round alongside her other classmates. "DON'T HOLD BACK ON HER AOYAMA!! BEAT HER SENSELESS TILL THE CLOTHES FLY OFF, LIKE IN VIDEO GAMES!!" Jirou, Livitz, and Elivity glared into Mineta's soul, showing their clear disapproval of his requests.

The commencement of the 5th match was announced, and the entire stadium watched the amazing athletic ability and physical strength of Mina at its best. The pink haired girl slid around from her shoes and was showing off the amazing capabilities she held. Aoyama put up a small, but a fair amount of a fight when trying to keep her back, but in the end, it failed when his stomach cramped.

Mina slid in close and jabbed him in his jaw with a swift uppercut. Too focused on the battle occurring before them, no one noticed as Uraraka had gotten up and begun heading down to the waiting room for her battle. Livitz cheered for the advancement of her friend moving onto the next round.

The 6th match went by in a flash of an eye. Yaoyorozu had been pushed out of bounds from Dark Shadow within the first 20 seconds of its commencement. No longer seeing Uraraka around, Deku and Livitz knew she had probably gone to prepare for her battle.

Heading down to the waiting room, Livitz and Deku met Iida in there already contributing with the female. "You okay, Ochaco?" Seating herself next to the brunette, Livitz attempted to comfort her friend. Deku let out a small breath and approached the two.

He held up his 13th hero notebook. Deku wanted to help Uraraka any way he could, so he offered his observations about how Bakugou fought and used his quirk. "Thank you, Deku." Turning to them, she smiled at the three.

"But no, I'm sorry." Shocked that she was turning it down, they saw Uraraka look back forward and down at the table. "You're amazing Deku, I keep witnessing that over and over again." Her eyes lowered, showing she was concerned and was about to open up with her thoughts. "During the Cavalry Battle, I told you it was better to team up with your friends. Now that I think about it though, I may have been relying on you to get by."

Shakily, Uraraka placed her hands on the table and stood up, not looking away from the ground. "That's why when Iida and Livitz explained they were going to give their all to beat you, I felt embarrassed for myself..." Livitz's eyes softened with the realization that her words had probably hurt her friend's confidence with her own decisions and choices.

Uraraka stood straight and walked to the door, her back was directed at them as she continued speaking. Giving her final statement that they were all rivals and that they were going to have to give their all to show their worth to be heroes. Glancing her head back at them, Uraraka gave a trembled thumbs up to her friends.

"Guess I'll see you in the finals." Walking out of the room shortly after, the three stood there surprised but proud of Uraraka. "She's got this, I know she does," Livitz reassured the two males as they began to head back to the stands. Although the words she spoke seemed wholeheartedly true, Livitz was even a little on edge with how the match could go about.

Having grown up with him, Bakugou never used his quirk to harm Livitz in any way or form. Yes, they did have their fistfights, but he never pulled his quirk out on her. Neither did she, wanting to keep things fair. Livitz had never firsthand witnessed his true power other than seeing it in combat against others.

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