[Ch.12] Livitz Sizuki vs Ibara Shiozaki

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Sitting in the stands, class 1-A was patiently awaiting the start of the first match between Shinso, the boy who threatened to take their spots in the hero course, and Deku, their classmate, and friend. Her hair now pulled back into a ponytail, Livitz sat cross legged in her seat alongside Elivity and Kirishima.

Seeing the two conversate a lot, Livitz grinned, happy to have helped with them getting closer to one another. Hearing the announcement of the two students walking onto the battlefield, Livitz leaned a little closer to watch from behind Uraraka and Iida.

Mere seconds into the match, Deku lightly ran toward Shinso before stopping dead in his tracks. His face showed a blank expression as if no thoughts were clear in his mind. Livitz stood and leaned over her seat, she was wondering what had happened and why he stopped so abruptly in place.

Ojiro stood from behind her and rubbed both hands against the back of his neck, expressing his clear concern and annoyance with Deku's actions. "I warned him not to say anything!" A few of the class raised eyebrows of curiosity, not knowing Ojiro's meaning behind his words.

"Explain, please!" Livitz cocked her head to face him. She was both worried and wanted to know what was going on, in case she had to face Shinso in a later match. Briefly explaining his thoughts on how Shinso's quirk worked, Livitz was horrified to know someone had a power.

The jaws of the students were clenched tightly when seeing Deku turn his body around and walk at a brain aching slow pace toward the edge of the ring. Seeming as if time was going in slow motion, Livitz was terrified. Was he going to lose after all of that hard work?

Right as he was at the edge, lifting his foot from the ground, a gust of wind flew straight from his fingertips. Deku gasped for air heavily, as if he hadn't been breathing during that entire period when he was under control. His peers were on the edge of their toes from watching the scene before them.

"Kick his ass, Izu!" Livitz cheered for her friend, wanting him to win at every cost. She truly didn't want any of her friends to be forced to switch out of the course, especially Deku since he had worked so hard to get here with her.

Watching as Deku forced himself not to speak, Shinso began trying to intimidate and get him to speak by speaking with horrendous wording to get into his mind. Livitz knew it was hitting Deku's core with what Shinso had been yelling at him. As Deku began to push out Shinso from the ring, he was swiftly punched in his right cheek. Bouncing back from the impactful hit, Deku stumbled forward before grabbing Shinso's arm.

Swift to his actions, he pulled him over his shoulder and threw Shinso harshly onto his back. Ending the first match, Shinso's foot had been out of bounds, concluding Deku the winner. The friends of the green haired boy had been holding their breaths with anticipation and anxiety for what could've been the outcome of the match.

When watching how Deku had ended the match, the students of 1-A recalled when Deku pulled the same move on Bakugou in their combat training in the weeks prior. As the next match was getting ready to begin, Livitz headed down to the waiting room.

Grabbing a water bottle on her way there, she forced herself to drink the entire bottle so that she would be full of power for her match against Shiozaki. Livitz didn't want to pass out in the first match, so she was being discreet when strategizing possible ways to beat Shiozaki, along with thinking about how her opponent's quirk worked. Eventually, Livitz settled on going with offense rather than defense for this battle.

Gazing at the table, the entire building shook violently, causing her water to nearly spill. When thinking about what could've possibly caused that, she remembered who was fighting for the second match.

"Todoroki probably used an ice attack against Sero... Based on the shaking of the structure of the building, it was probably a massive one." Gulping down the last bit of her water, she stood and walked away from the table.

Stretching her muscles, Livitz needed the ability to have access to her flexibility when using her quirk. Livitz relies on her flexibility and acrobatic capability to fight alongside her quirk. Having done gymnastics from a young age, she had become a pro at doing every possible stance and position when in battle. It also helped to give her more physical strength in both her upper and lower body muscles.

Hearing the completion of the 2nd match, Livitz began taking deep breaths to make sure she was in a clear state of mind for her fight. Walking out of the waiting room, she made her way down to the entrance of the battle arena.

Livitz reached the end of the long hallway entrance and saw that all eyes were on her. Her heart felt as if it was going to explode in her throat, but she let a small breath out before gently biting her tongue. Standing on her side of the battlefield, she could see Shiozaki clearly in front of her.

"This yellow haired girl may look sweet, but she is the melting and acrobatic master! It's Livitz Sizuki!" Present Mic's description of Livitz caused her cheeks to lightly paint a pink against her skin. Livitz got into a battle stance, showing her determination to walk out of the stadium victorious from the 3rd match.

The strain from Present Mic announcing for the third match to begin made Livitz jump straight into combat from a long range. Placing her left hand in front of her and her right behind her, she fired a large amount of acid toward her opponent. Shiozaki, quick to her movements, created a wall of vines to protect her.

Snapping her fingers when in contact with her opponent's defense, it blasted the green haired girl forward and out of the arena. Relaxing once she realized she blasted Shiozaki out of bounds, she quickly ran over to help her opponent up. "You did well on your attempt with defense."

Holding her hand out, Shiozaki took her opponent's hand and pulled herself from the ground. "I appreciate your kind sportsmanship. Good luck." Releasing Livitz's hand, she backed away and bowed before walking away to the exit of the arena. Smiling at her victory, Livitz turned away and walked to her exit. 

Editor Eve: 

At the time of posting this, everything that follows this chapter may, or may not, be a spoiler for future Goldilocks chapters. 

If you've read the final copy, you can see a lot has changed from this copy. 

Aka, Livitz doesn't fight Ibara anymore. She fights Kirishima.

Read the next chapters at your own risk of possible future chapter spoilers.

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