[Ch.8] Climax

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After about a 5 minute run, they arrived at the Plaza, seeing All Might struggling to keep the bird brain secured. Todoroki took a swift course of action and fired a quick attack at the creature, freezing its body up to where his grip on All Might ended. Livitz thought it was okay until she saw that All Might was dripping blood from where she assumed his injury was.

Freeing himself of the grasp, All Might jumped beside Livitz and Todoroki, having a view of the clearing. Seeing Deku, Kirishima, and Bakugou, she felt relieved and happy to know they were okay. Bakugou had pinned down the warp villain, making sure he was unable to move or attack again. As the students stood and watched the situation before them, the bird brain pulled himself through the portal and broke his limbs off with Todoroki's ice.

In pure shock with the realization that this creature single handle broke off his arm and leg without a second thought, the three of them froze. In disbelief that it was still moving despite having two limbs detached and frozen solid, All Might warned them to stay back. Watching muscles regenerate from the broken-off pieces of the villain's body, it stood tall once again. "You need our help, we can keep these guys at bay alongside you."

Disagreeing with what they were offering, All Might attempted to stand tall, seeming he wanted to show intimidation despite the situation given. He assured his students to stay back, not wanting them to have the possibility of injury.

"We need to free Kurogiri... Nomu, go." Within the flash of an eye, Nomu darted toward Bakugou, about to knock him away from Kurogiri. Hearing the loud crash of a wall being broken to smithereens, Livitz had feared for the worst when seeing that Kurogiri was free.


After the smoke cleared down, Livitz saw that Bakugou was on the ground next to her. "Kacchan? You dodged his attack??" Lightly astonished at the fact that he dodged the powerful creature's attack, Bakugou quickly denied having moved himself.

The 5 of them quickly figured out that it had been All Might when watching the smoke clear from the damaged wall. As Shigaraki began trying to explain his reasoning, All Might wasn't willing to hear any of it.

The students' teacher then explained that they should regroup with their classmates and leave this fight to them. Mere seconds after, Nomu was sent by Shigaraki toward All Might, while they watched as some of the unconscious villains were regaining consciousness.

As they got into a battle stance, Deku was showing clear concern over All Might as he watched the fight about to begin. Clashing with their fists immediately, the wind pressure from the single powerful punch of the two competitors, sent the 5 students a gust of air running toward them. Grabbing onto Livitz, Kirishima hardened his entire body to prevent her from being sent back. Seeing how short and slightly slender her figure was, he didn't want to risk the possibility of her getting hurt.

His arm wrapped carefully around her waist, he held her close, trying to ensure she wouldn't leave his grasp. Livitz watched as All Might and Nomu were going head to head, causing gusts of wind to fly past them. After about 30 seconds of just consistent and rapid wind pressure, they heard their school motto.

"Plus Ultra!" The largest gust of air force flew by the students, as All Might blasted Nomu through the roof of the USJ dome. Opening her eyes, Livitz could see that All Might was pretty beat up but seemed to still be able to fight.

Kirishima released her and deactivated his hardening. Feeling as if it was all over, the students let out a small sigh of relief, grateful All Might defeated Nomu. Watching the smoke lightly dissipate away from All Might, they assumed he was gonna be able to capture Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Standing alongside one another, the students stared at All Might as he was using intimidation, trying to get the remaining two villains to surrender peacefully. "I think All Might can handle those two from here, we should probably find the rest of our class." Livitz relaxed, thinking that All Might could handle it.

"Come on Izu, we should leave All Might to it." As they began walking away, Deku stood in place, clearly in a trance with the scene before them. Stopping their movements, they looked back to see what he was doing. Shigaraki stopped scratching the irritated skin on his neck and looked forward at All Might.

Within a flash, he darted directly for All Might, while All Might himself stood still. Feeling a small blow of the wind through her bangs, Livitz saw that Deku had jumped into action to try and stop what could happen. Creating a warp portal, Shigaraki stopped from going after All Might and stuck his hand through to attempt to decay the green haired boy's face.

Livitz's heart nearly stopped at what she was seeing, before starting back up when a bullet was shot straight through Shigarakis hand. The students looked up to see where the bullets had been shot from and they saw a few of the staff members from UA.

As the UA staff members began finishing up the scene as it unraveled once more, Kurogiri pulled Shigaraki through a warp portal and ended up escaping, swearing his return to kill All Might would be soon.

Her heart beating rapidly now, Livitz fell onto her knees and began trying to catch her breath. The students were so grateful that the teachers had finally arrived, while the UA staff was clearly disappointed to not have captured the villains.

Scurrying to get off the ground, Livitz darted directly for Deku, wanting to both yell at him and hug him for what he did. Being stopped by Cementoss, she nearly ran into the wall he had created. "I understand your concern for your friend, Sizuki, but please leave the injured to us."Sighing, she was disappointed she couldn't see him but understood. Kirishima had been right behind her and offered his hand to help her up from the ground. Taking his hand, they were then told to go and meet up with their classmates at the entrance.

The four went back to the entrance and met with their other classmates. "Mina, Ochaco!" Livitz ran toward the two girls who were teary from the situation that just wrapped up, hugging one another tightly. "I'm so glad you guys are okay." Elivity moved her hair behind her ear and smiled gently.

Letting go of one another, they looked around to analyze and comprehend what had happened. Most of them were still in disbelief that this had occurred at a UA facility. While the rescue services gathered up Deku and All Might for recovery, the rest of class 1-A gathered outside, awaiting further instructions.

After doing a headcount of the last few students, they loaded everyone onto the bus so they could head back to the school campus. Sitting down on the bus beside Bakugou, Livitz was showing clear concern over Deku, hoping she could see him when they got back. "Goldilocks."

Cutting her thoughts clear off, Livitz tilted her head so she could face the ash blonde. "Yes?" Her voice was clearly showing that she was worn out. "That damn nerd is okay, don't worry too much." Bakugou had a softened expression toward her but still looked just as annoyed as usual.

Letting a small breath out, a small, soft smile appeared on her face. "Thanks, Katsuki." He clicked his tongue before returning to his normal self. "Yeah, yeah, dumbass."

He wasn't trying to be rude or sound like an asshole, he just hated when showing sympathy or kindness to others because he thought it made him look weak. Livitz rolled her eyes, still being a little new, but mostly used to his way of showing emotion toward others.

As the ride back to school continued, the class was both conversing and collecting their private thoughts about what had happened that day. The sun began to slowly go down as they were walking into the school.

Leaning against Elivity's shoulder, Livitz was so focused on Deku, she didn't care what she felt. "Sizuki!" Cut from her thoughts yet again, she turned her head to see Uraraka. "Me and Tenya are staying so we can wait for Deku. Wanna wait with us?"

Thinking that Uraraka acknowledging that they are best friends was sweet, Livitz nodded her head. "Way ahead of you, Ochaco." The two females smiled with one another as they went to the girl's locker room with the rest of their classmates to change back into their uniforms.

Editor Eve:


Just- why?

Why did I cut the U.S.J attack into two chapters?

Combine both together and you get a whopping 3.5k words, the average size of a chapter.

Sighhhhh. I cringe at fourteen-year-old me.

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