[Ch.19] Endeavor Agency

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Walking around the city of Kyushu, Livitz was in her costume and following Chiharu. Livitz felt strange to be out of town without her parents being around, but relaxed and calmed since her cousin was there with her.

"Alright, there normally isn't a high number of villain activity because Keigo and I do patrols daily. If there is no villain activity, I will just show you around Kyushu so you can get a better look at where everything is in the city and give you my personal advice on being a Pro Hero." Chiharu turned to Livitz with a smile, cutting the UA student short of her small concerns.

Crossing her arms, Livitz looked around at the variety of tall business buildings and then a few of smaller, local businesses you'd find anywhere in the world. "Haru, what's it like being a Pro?" Thinking about the question for a moment, Chiharu furrowed her eyebrows. "Well, it's enjoyable. I get to save and help others while getting to throw a few rounds to help me destress if needed."

Livitz laughed softly as Chiharu continued, "As a hero though, we are not permitted to take the life of a criminal unless there is no other way to apprehend them. By doing this, it establishes that society can have their trust in heroes to do the right thing. From what I've learned, taking down a villain means taking them alive. It's so that they can learn through a possible lifelong lesson, that their actions, no matter the reasoning, shouldn't be committed." Livitz looked at Chiharu and was astonished because she never thought of what it truly meant to be a Hero.

Now upon hearing her cousin's learning experience and perspective, she understood more of what she was expected to do as a Pro Hero. "Thank you for that. I appreciate the advice and personal perception of what being a hero is like." Livitz smiled at her cousin before Chiharu ruffled her hair lightly. "No problem, I want you to put the amazing potential you have to use once you're out and about in the world." She gave a thumbs up to Livitz before there was a peaceful silence between the two.

As the final hours of her second day of internships went on, Livitz and Chiharu went out to dinner with Hawks and Tokoyami after they finished patrol on the opposing side of Kyushu. Of course, the couple was chatting non stop about random topics or just being humorous and flirty with one another.

Made things awkward for Livitz and Tokoyami, but they enjoyed dinner regardless. Being sent off to bed early, Livitz needed a good night of rest since she and Chiharu were leaving at 9 am for Endeavor Agency.

Soon beginning falling asleep, Livitz couldn't help but have an unsettling pit of nervous hesitation resting with the thought of the Hero Killer. Soon after, she slowly fell asleep and tried to shrug off the feeling in her mind, figuring it was just her brain overwhelming and overthinking what could happen the next day.


"If being a hero means getting up early, I may wanna rethink my entire life..." Livitz stretched her arms out, having a major urge to just go back to bed on the sidewalk in front of Hawks Agency.

She was never a morning person, that is something made clear to anyone who's ever crossed paths with her. Similar to Bakugou, she is serious when it comes to her sleep. Minus when it comes to going to bed early because she enjoys staying up on YouTube. When surrounded by sleep the following morning, she was all over it.

Chiharu laughed softly at her cousin while grabbing her hero suitcase and putting it down into the trunk of the limousine. "Is it really necessary to ride in a limo when we're just going to the airport?" Climbing into the car, Livitz laid down over three seats, ready to fall back asleep.

"Not really, but Endeavor did give us a private jet so we wouldn't be delayed by the regular boarding process of a plane." Getting in after Livitz, Chiharu was mindful of her wings, preventing anything from knocking over as she sat down. Giving a thumbs up, Livitz fell back asleep within a matter of minutes.


After a two hour plane ride, Livitz and Chiharu met with Endeavor and his son, Todoroki. Not having much interaction with Todoroki, even after they battled and fought together in the Sports Festival, Livitz waved to him as a small introduction. "Shoto, you and Sizuki will stay down here. Me and Talon are going to my office so we can discuss the matters of the Hero Killer and what we know." Todoroki nodded before sitting down in a waiting area of the lobby.

Livitz reluctantly followed and sat near him, not knowing fully what to do. Watching as Chiharu and Endeavor left the lobby, Livitz let out a breath before looking at Todoroki. "So... how is your internship going?" Todoroki gazed up and over at Livitz. "Alright. How is your internship?"

She smiled softly over at him while lightly adjusting her sitting position. "Pretty good, I'm spending time with my cousin while also exploring new parts of my quirk." Hearing 'new parts of my quirk', Todoroki drew curious as to what she was learning more about when it came to her power. "I see. Care to share what you are exploring more about your quirk?" Thinking for a moment, she agreed to explain to him how she was learning more about her power.

"I am learning to bend my acid so I can go for longer ranged fights without getting dehydrated. The only downside is that it causes severe strain on my body." He raised an eyebrow, thinking for a moment about how to respond. "Similar to waterbending, I presume?" Livitz nodded. "That can be helpful, especially since your quirk relies on the amount of water in your body."

She smiled at him, finding his observations on her quirk and how it works/can improve to be vaguely thoughtful. "Yeah, it's going to take some time, but the rewards will be worth it." He gave a simple nod before thinking of a similar ability he had memorized from his childhood. Although, this one wasn't his own.

Sitting in silence for a few minutes, Endeavor and Chiharu returned to the lobby. The brunette held a few files with one opened and her eyes scanning over it. Standing up from the waiting area, Todoroki and Livitz walked over and politely greeted the adults. "Todoroki, Liv, are you ready to leave for Hosu?" Chiharu spoke, her eyebrows lowered and her gaze not breaking from the paperwork in the manila file.

Both UA students nodded, holding their hero costumes tightly in their hand grasp. Closing the folder, Chiharu looked up and grinned at them before Endeavor spoke. "I have sidekicks that will be joining us in Hosu. Half will patrol with me and Shoto, the remaining half with you and Sizuki. If there's no remarks or intolerable questions, we're heading out now." As the #2 hero began to walk off, Chiharu and the two students followed out to descend for Hosu.


Arriving within a matter of a few hours, Todoroki and Livitz were sent off to change into their hero costumes. Coming out, Livitz saw an improved and updated version of Todoroki's hero costume. "Holy shit... When did you change your hero costume?" Looking at the blonde, he walked alongside her while speaking. "I changed it in the weeks following the internships."

Gazing her eyes up his body from head to toe, she smiled and gave a thumbs up. "It looks good. What are the little capsules around your waist for though?" Reaching her hand over, she grabbed the metal cylinder, feeling a vague weight inside of it. "They are first aid treatment for when help doesn't immediately arrive at a crisis situation." Livitz widened her eyes vaguely, seeing as that was useful and smart for being a hero. Letting go of the capsule, she looked forward with a nod.

"That's smart Todoroki. If I ever update my costume, I'll consider putting it on mine as well." Smiling up at him, she continued, "Overall, your costume looks awesome! I really like it." Gazing over at him, he wasn't used to being complimented by many people so he just gave a simple nod of his head.

As she looked straight ahead again, they met Chiharu, Endeavor, and a few sidekicks from the flame hero's agency. Each suited up and ready to split off for patrol and search of the Hero Killer, Stain. 

Editor Eve:


1k fucking words...

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