[Ch.21] Recovery

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Sitting in a hospital room together were the four UA students that fought and defeated Stain. Livitz had two deep lacerations on her body. One located on her left forearm and the other on her lower right thigh. Both had been bandaged and taken care of, but she was being kept there with the others to keep a close eye on them and so they could all be spoken to at once.

As Livitz sat up and her eyes traveled across the room, she knew that each of them had fought hard for each other's lives alongside their own. "Morning Liv... did you sleep well?" Looking up and over to Deku, she lightly shook her head as she lowered her eyes. "I tried sleeping but my mind wouldn't let me..."

Deku understood her possible reasoning since he didn't sleep as well. "Yeah... me either..." Livitz gazed down at her wrapped thigh and arm. Letting a small breath out, she couldn't fully comprehend the events of the night before. Not only was she astonished with how each of them fought great alongside each other, but she was also astonished that they all made it out alive.

Iida and Todoroki soon began to speak with Deku on their own personal thoughts and shock that Stain didn't go after the targets he considered 'worthy'. Not paying much attention to them, Livitz tuned them out and thought closely on her own specific actions. Her mind didn't wander far before being interrupted by a knock on the door.

Looking to the door, they watched as Chiharu, Gran Torino, and Manual walked in. Not too surprised to see them, Livitz's expression didn't change much as Gran Torino told them someone wanted to speak with them. As Chiharu leaned against the wall, the person who walked in was a... dog?

"This is the chief of police here in Hosu. Kenji Tsuragamae" After a brief introduction from Gran Torino, Livitz and Deku moved on their beds so they could properly speak with the chief. "No, I prefer if you two stay seated. Woof."

'Woof?' Livitz's eyes widened as she stared at the chief, towering over all of them. "These are the UA students that defeated the hero killer, right?" Giving a simple nod, Livitz swallowed slowly as she had a gut feeling that they were about to be harshly scolded. Her eyes moved to Chiharu and her cousin had a resting, but serious expression. 'Listen to him,' Chiharu mouthed.

Blinking slowly, she looked back over at the chief as he spoke. "Stain has some severe injuries. Several burns, broken bones, and the skin of his back has been disfigured and melted vaguely down. Currently, he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." Livitz widened her eyes as she realized how much damage her quirk had caused to Stain.

"Here's a lesson you should've already learned from attending UA. When quirks became normal, the police sought to maintain the status quo." As he continued, it was briefly explained that quirks were agreed to not be used as weapons. That is why heroes became a profession. It was to ensure that they could handle the jobs the police couldn't, as long as they were licensed.

"This was to prevent the use of deadly quirks from being used at will. That means any uncertified individuals to cause harm with their quirks without being given instruction by their guardians or supervisors is a violation of the law." Livitz's eyes stayed widened as she furrowed her brows downward. "The four of you, and the pro heroes Endeavor, Talon, Manual, and Gran Torino must receive strict punishment."

Livitz snapped alongside Todoroki, finding this to be unbelievable considering the circumstances. "You're shitting me right?" "Livitz Sizuki." Hearing her name, Livitz turned to Chiharu before hearing Todoroki speak up. "Now hold on. If Iida hadn't stepped in, Native would've been killed. And if Midoriya hadn't come, they both would've been killed! No one realized that the hero killer had attacked. Are you telling me we should've followed the rules by standing by and watching people get killed?"

Seeing Todoroki get riled up, Deku quickly stepped in and tried to calm him down before he got in trouble. That seemed to be to no avail though when the Chief continued speaking. "Are you saying that as long as things turn out all right, it's okay to bend the law?" Livitz intervened before Todoroki could respond. "I'm sorry, but isn't it a hero's job to save people?"

"This is why you aren't fully licensed heroes yet. Goodness, what are you being taught by UA and these fellow pros, woof?" Livitz and Todoroki couldn't believe what was being said. "You mutt!" Right as Todoroki stomped to confront Tsuragamae, Gran Torino stopped him, wanting him to let Tsuragamae finish. "The punishment would only be enforced if this went public, woof. If this went public, you would be praised by the public, but you wouldn't be able to avoid the punishment. Although, if this is not made public, the hero killer's injuries would support Endeavor being the hero who saved the day, concluding things there."

The blonde began to relax more, realizing that what he was saying would save them all from harsh punishment. "Regardless of what happens, we will still take accountability for being negligent as supervisor's." Chiharu and Manual both walked to their interns, standing before them. While Manual scolded Iida, Chiharu gently kissed Livitz's head before hugging her. "Please don't do that again... you really did scare me..."

Livitz eased within her grasp as she used her right arm to hug Chiharu back. "I won't, I promise." Chiharu smiled softly as she pulled away and lightly ruffled Livitz's hair. Moving away from their interns, Tsuragamae spoke to them one last time. "On behalf of Hosu city, I thank you for your heroic act." Todoroki looked off to the side and spoke under his breath. "Next time start with that..."

With the final words of the adults in the room, they left the students alone so they could peacefully continue healing. As Deku got on his phone to respond to a call from Uraraka, Livitz pulled out her phone so she could look over her own missed calls and messages from her family. 

Editor Eve:

Don't feel bad, Chiharu.

I was waiting for that slap :)

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