[Ch.15] Semi-Finals

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Reaching the bottom of the staircase, Livitz was hesitant. Seeing the blinding light of the stadium from afar, Livitz felt as if her heart was on the verge of exploding. Was Todoroki using both his quirks now? If so, she was going to have trouble fighting against him with her singular quirk. Her mind began trying to figure out a way to defend against his fire, knowing she could explode or melt his ice.

Walking onto the field, both competitors wanted to leave victorious in this match. Standing far from one another, they patiently waited for the battle to begin. "Begin!"

As Todoroki started the fight with an ice attack, Livitz quickly slid to the side and placed her right hand out in front of her. His power being sharp, caught up her body up to her knee. Her left hand resting beside her body, Livitz shot the heated liquid from her hand and at his attack to prevent it from going further. Snapping her fingers once they hit impact, she used the smoke as a cover to go after him with an upfront strike.

Listening closely to her movements, Todoroki had observed her fighting style throughout the Sports Festival. Meaning, he knew she was going to use her acrobatics in some way to an advantage. She ran from behind and swiftly propelled him forward with a kick in the back.

Landing on the ground, he was quick to rise and launch another ice wall toward the direction he had been knocked from. Livitz could sense the breeze of the frozen air rushing toward her. Moving diligently, she slid on the soles of her feet, using the acid to guide her.

The kicked up debris and smoke finally cleared from the first explosion. The two competitors made clear eye contact with one another. The tension of stored up power and energy was on the verge of bursting with the dedication from them. Todoroki launched another strike at her, forcing her to jump and roll onto the ground.

Shoving her body up, she looked at him and could see the position he was in. Realizing he still wasn't using his left side, she was grateful but annoyed for the half assed fight. Seeing as either one could blow each other out of bounds with the swift flick of their hand, the crowd was ensuing the encouragement of the two fighters.

Darting right for Todoroki from the left side, she used his weakness against him. Todoroki comprehended what she was doing and turned to have his right side directed at her. Dodging his attack right as he struck ice out, she crouched and slid to avoid. Her hands and feet on the ground, she formed a large runway of acid for the perfect spark.

Tumbling out of the way with a roll, when she was bent down, Livitz snapped both fingers. Generating a large explosion, it launched both of them back but had the most impact on Todoroki since he was upfront. Hitting the ground harshly, Livitz was maybe about 10 feet from the edge of the arena. Her hair was released from its ponytail and her bangs were swept out of the normal position. As she trembled to look up, some speckles of debris and concrete hit her skin as smoke wandered the field.

Midnight waved her hand around, trying to get a clear see through of the outcome. Seeing the results, Midnight swiftly cracked her whip. "Todoroki is unconscious. Sizuki advances to the final round!" From where she was laying on the ground, Livitz could vaguely see the shape of Todoroki's body on the edge of the arena.

Her hair had been brushed to the right side of her body, her bangs swept lightly in front of her vision from a light breeze of the spring air. Sitting up, she stood and walked out of the arena and back to the exit of the Stadium. Looking back, she had seen the damage she and Todoroki had dealt to the arena.

She looked down at her hands and saw her vision was blurry. She overused her quirk. "Shit... I need to drink a lot of water before the next round. Especially if I am going against-" Her mind cut off its own thoughts when remembering who she would possibly have to battle.

"Katsuki..." Her voice was trembled when speaking, both from dehydration and nervousness coursing through her body. As she made her way back upstairs, her mind pondered a variety of worried thoughts.

"Will I be strong enough against him?"

"Will I be good enough?"

"Do I even stand a chance at winning??"

Taking three water bottles from the vending machine, she watched Tokoyami exit the waiting room. Going in after him, she was petrified as she began drinking down the bottles of water. Both Uraraka and Kirishima had been knocked nearly unconscious when sparring against Bakugou.

Livitz knew that he wouldn't hold back on her, considering the outcome of the battle with him and Uraraka. Hearing explosions in the back of her thoughts, she knew it was Bakugou and Tokoyami fighting. A knock on the door ended the silence of the room.

The knob turned and in came Deku and Elivity. "Hey, Liv... you doing okay?" Elivity pulled out the chair and sat beside Livitz. Deku stood beside the table and looked over at her, watching for her response and reactions. Smiling gently, she shook her head. "No, I-I'm not. I honestly am balls out terrified..."

Both Deku and Elivity understood her reasoning without even needing to hear it. "Liv, I am so incredibly happy and proud of you. Even if you don't win, you are gonna come in second place! That is an amazing opportunity to be given, especially as a first year." Deku gave his sympathetic and kind thoughts, trying to ease her worries.

Livitz appreciated their efforts and was happy for herself. Livitz was the only girl to make it to the Finals. She is being cheered and encouraged onward by hundreds of Pro Heroes that see potential in her. It helped to show people her worth in the Hero Course. Failure isn't what worried her though. It was Bakugou.

Clearing her mind of any thoughts, she finished her last water bottle. "You shouldn't be terrified of someone just because they are stronger than you. You should be terrified because they consider you worthy." Hearing those words from both Elivity and Deku, her brain stopped for a second to comprehend the statement clearly.

Her making it this far in the Sports Festival showed that she was worthy. It showed how determined and strong she was, even without her quirk. Livitz knew that based on how far she had gotten, and from the experiences with each other growing up, Bakugou more than likely considered her worthy.

Taking a deep breath, Livitz stood from her chair and saw her hands lightly tremble. Elivity quickly arose from her seat and enclosed Livitz in a hug. Hugging back gently, all ears heard the surrender of Tokoyami, meaning Bakugou was the other finalist. Releasing from the hug, Livitz made her way to the door and turned back at them.

"We will be cheering you on. Give it your all Liv!" Grinning at them, she nodded and left the room moments after. As she walked down each flight of stairs, her anticipation grew more. Doing her best to swallow the fear within her, Livitz gripped her wrist gently.

Letting out one last breath, she calmed herself the best she could when walking down the final flight of stairs. Preparing by cracking her knuckles, she was ready.

Editor Eve:

Why was she scared of him?

I despise the way I wrote her. Istg, it makes me wanna jump off my roof.


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