[Ch.3] Search and Destroy

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Watching the rest of the battles, the class slowly came to an end. Proud of how she did, reacted while in combat, made her confidence grow within her. After All Might ended class and ran off to check on Deku, the class went to their separate locker rooms and began changing out of their hero clothes. Afterward, the students went back to class and just sat around waiting for them to be dismissed.

Bakugou sat at his desk with his head lowered, he wasn't speaking a word. Laying her head back on her desk, Elivity began braiding Livitz's hair. "Why does Bakugou call you Goldilocks?" She asked, twisting her blonde locks. "He calls me that because I either wore my hair in braids or pigtails as a kid." Closing her eyes she continued, "That, and because I had similar features to the fictional character."

"Aw, that's so cute." Elivity's heart ached at the topic. Opening one eye, she glanced toward Bakugou, he had gotten up and was nowhere in sight. Taking her phone out, she texted him.


Hey, I hope you feel better, sorry you had

a rough day. You're a strong person, even

if I hate to admit it, you are. You did good

in my opinion.

Read: 3:10PM

Eventually letting her hair go, the strawberry blonde began brushing through the blondie's hair. After another moment, the classroom door opened. Sitting up, Livitz saw Deku. "Izu!"

Quickly stumbling to get out of her desk, she ran toward him. Enclosing him into a tight, but careful hug. She then began rambling as he would. Seconds after, several more classmates surrounded them. "Hey, Midoriya! Nice job holding your ground against Bakugou!" Kirishima gave him a thumbs up. "We saw how you gave it your all and we made sure to do the same as you." A spiky brown hair boy replied.

As he chuckled at what he was hearing, Deku's eyes began to wander the room. Eventually landing on Bakugou's empty desk. "Hey, where is Kacchan?" He asked, worriedly. "I texted him trying to comfort him, but he already left." Deku quickly ran off, trying to catch Bakugou before he left. Running after Deku, Livitz followed him shortly after. Running out to the front of the school, they saw Bakugou. "Kacchan, wait!" Deku raised his hand, trying to motion him to stop. "What..." Speaking in a breathy and deep tone of voice, Bakugou turned his head slightly to see us. "I am about to tell you both something, you cannot tell anyone about this though! I haven't even told my mom about this..." Deku looked toward the ground, narrowing his eyebrows.

"I haven't been hiding my quirk from you, Kacchan. I was given this quirk by someone else." Livitz couldn't believe what she was hearing. "He was given his quirk... How? That's impossible!" Her mind quickly became crowded with thoughts, tuning out Deku's soft voice.

She was cut out of her thoughts when she heard Bakugou begin to speak. "Borrowed power? How dumb do you think I am?!" Turning himself around fully, he faced the two. "Did you come here to gloat and rub it in?! I lost, okay!? To make things even worse it was to you!" He began trembling with his movement.

"When watching that ice guy, I realized I couldn't beat him in a head to head fight! Fuck! I even agreed with what that girl said, my attack was so stupid!!" Looking up toward them, Bakugou had tears in his eyes. Her eyes began to water too, seeing someone as strong as him cry. "Oh my god, Katsuki..." Covering her mouth, Livitz attempted to hide her tears.

"Damn it! Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!! Enjoy that win, Deku! Cause you won't get another, you got that?! I'm gonna end up the greatest #1 hero!" Biting his lower lip, the tears began to slowly slide down his cheeks. Quickly turning his head, he walked away from them. After a few seconds, All Might appeared and ran toward Bakugou.

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