[Ch.23] Preparations for Final Exams!

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Aizawa handed out Midterm placements and results. Once finished, he stood at the front of the class to speak before dismissing them to lunch. "You have one week left to study and prepare for Final Exams. You better use your time wisely to pass both the practical and educational portions of the exams. Class Dismissed." Shutting the classroom door as he walked out, the students immediately began to conversate on the results/placements of their Midterms.

Livitz had placed 4th on the Midterm, giving her not much of a reason to be concerned about failing the educational portion of the Final Exams. Looking at Mina and Kaminari, they both began to panic since they'd placed the lowest in the class. Chuckling softly, Livitz turned to Elivity who seemed to be vaguely worried about the Final Exams. "14th isn't that bad El. Just study with me and you should be fine."

She smiled at her, hoping to reassure her about the upcoming testing. "Thanks, I appreciate the help." Elivity let out a small sigh before grinning at Livitz. Talking with one another for a moment, they soon heard Yaoyorozu make a small offer to help tutor any students concerned with possibly failing.

Moving away from her desk, Livitz walked to Deku. "Izu, can I do training with you for the practical portion of the exam?" Turning to face her, he gave a nod with a bright smile. "Yeah, it sounds like it'd be fun! We can meet at my house this Friday and when we're done we can hang out." Deku's smile continued to grow as he became excited to train in combat with her strength and quirk.

He thought it'd be a good opportunity to both spend time with her and examine more of her quirk when used around his. "Awesome! I'm looking forward to it." Livitz gently clasped her hands together as she headed for the classroom door with him.


Livitz ate her spicy noodles with ease beside Deku. Listening to her friends speak on what the Practical portion would consist of, she too was curious as to what they'd be put against to battle. "What if we fought against one another like we did in the Sports Festival? Kinda like a big tournament of scoring and battle progression."

The ears of everyone at the table perked up, finding it to be an interesting possibility. Before any of them could speak, Deku was harshly elbowed in the head. "Sorry. Guess your head was so big I didn't care to see it..." Rubbing the irritated area on his head, Deku chuckled nervously. "You're that guy from class 1-B... Monoma, right? That really hu-"

"I heard you guys encountered the Hero Killer." Monoma cut Deku off. "Heh, just like in the Sports Festival. Class 1-A isn't happy unless they're the center of attention. But you do realize that y'all aren't in the spotlight because people think you're good heroes, right?" Livitz narrowed her brows as she swallowed her food and clenched her fists.

Her alongside everyone else glared at Monoma, finding his words to be rude and annoying. "It's just that you keep getting into so much trouble... Here's something to think about... Someday, the rest of us will get caught up in your mess, and then we'll all become victims as well." Livitz snapped, slamming her hands into the table before attempting to stand up.

She was interrupted by Deku and Kendo. Deku pulling her lightly back into her seat, while Kendo swiftly knocked Monoma unconscious with a hand chop to his neck. Surprising her, Livitz slowly sat back down as she gazed up at Kendo with Deku. "Sorry about him. I'm sure there's a hole where his heart should be." Livitz snickered lowly as she resumed eating her food.

"Apologies for eavesdropping, but don't worry too much about the Practical. I have a friend that's a few grades up to fill me in on what we're doing. Just simple combat against robots like the Entrance Exam." Hearing this, Livitz vaguely widened her eyes. 'Wow...it's going to be simple and easy to pass if we're battling against robots again...' Tuning out the voices of the continued conversation, Livitz pursued eating her food in a calm state of mind as the final minutes of lunch began to conclude soon after.


"This'll be super easy if it's only combat against robots!" Mina and Kaminari were cheerful to hear what the Practical would consist of, finding it to be easy for them to battle easily without much regard for their quirks. Livitz sat on her desk, lightly kicking her feet back and forth as she listened to the class speak more on the Practical.

"Why are you morons so excited?" The voice of Bakugou rattled Livitz of her small thoughts. "Hey! Who are you calling a-" "Shut up! You idiots need to learn how to control your quirks!" As both Kaminari and Mina turned ghost white from the harsh words, Bakugou turned to Deku. "Hey! Deku!" Despite him looking in the direction of her, Livitz knew he was giving the cold glare to Deku.

She narrowed her brows, preparing to hear what Bakugou had to say. "I saw the way you're using your quirk and I just wanted to say... it's seriously pissing me off..." The tone made Deku startle lightly, giving him uneasement. 'He's talking about the way Izuku was fighting like him a few days ago...'

"We'll be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals. New rankings." Bakugou placed his hand out, pointing straight through the soul of Deku. "It'll show exactly where we're all standing. I'll prove how much better I am!" Livitz pushed herself off her desk and approached Bakugou. "Katsuki, calm down. There's no reason to-"

"Shut it Goldilocks! I nor anyone else asked for you to stick your shit in this conversation! Butt the fuck out!!" Crossing her arms, Livitz glared at him as she watched him slam the classroom door on his way out. "Why does he have to be this way..." Livitz spoke under her breath before slowly returning to her seat.

Editor Eve:

Unnhiwkoaqnwikqn, y'all have no idea how much this chapter will change from the original.

Like, the angst, is going to be insane.

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