[Ch.16] Livitz Sizuki vs Katsuki Bakugou

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Walking down the long and cascaded tunnel hall, Livitz focused on the light of the Stadium. Thinking about seeing Bakugou across from her, being chosen to fight him willingly, she grew nervous.

Making it outside the entrance, she walked up the arena staircase. Standing on her side of the ring, she could see the ash blonde from beyond her. Livitz was tense but fully composed to fight.

Raising her hand, Midnight swung down and announced for the Finale to commence. Running toward him, Livitz was striking the first attack.

Heating the corrosive liquid into her palm, she watched his movements closely. Bakugou raised his hand and was equipped to counterattack.

Right as she struck her hand and fired a large amount of acid at him, he fired an explosion back at her. Being launched back, Livitz couldn't snap from having to catch herself.

Tumbling into the ground, she quickly got up and tried to repeat her previous move. On the verge of the same outcome, right as his hand was placed before him, she flipped over him.

Like she had done with Iida, she was trailing the acid from her palm to in front of her opponent. Kicking him forward with her foot and snapping sharply, he was blown forward to the middle of the ring.

Running back at him once again, he flicked his hand at her and blasted her back. Moving away from her, Bakugou steadied his balance and watched her movements.

Lightly trembling when pushing herself up, she didn't give up. Livitz decided to try an upfront blast one last time. Running right for him, she heated both of her hands by her side and was ready to strike.

Getting close though, he was faster than she could even dodge. Swinging a leg from beneath her feet, Livitz lost her balance. "Now die!!"

Springing his hand out swiftly, he blasted her back, nearly sending her out of bounds. Her back was to him and the entire gaze of the stadium was on its side. "Erm... shit..."

Pushing herself up slowly, Livitz recalled a move she had yet to use in the Sports Festival. Standing up straight, she took a moment to catch her breath.

Forming acid from the crease of her palms, Livitz darted for Bakugou. "Tch thought you were actually smart, Goldilocks!" Assuming she was repeating once again, Bakugou got into stance.

She shocked everyone though, snapping her fingers harshly, she blasted her body into the air. Turning her body to flip, she looked down at Bakugou as gravity was slowly taking its toll.

"Acidic Fury!" Placing her hands in front of her, she used as much of the water from within her body to fire off this shot. Bakugou moved his hand in front of his face, gripping his wrist to steady the impact.

"That's it, Livitz! Don't hold back!" Right as she snapped her fingers for the blow, Bakugou set off a large explosion, countering her attack again.

He sent her flying back. Throwing her into the ground harsher than she had before, air pressure from the massive attack blew past her vigorously. As the smoke cleared and Livitz struggled to push herself up, she was truly terrified.

Bakugou had countered each of her attacks perfectly. Looking up at him, her irises were going small. Her heart was pumping adrenaline all through her body. Her mind was shrouded with too many thoughts to remotely think clearly. She stood no chance against him.

"I failed..."

Livitz trembled with every movement of her limbs, causing serious unbalancement with her legs. Staring at him, she couldn't focus steadily on him, despite him not moving.

She was way past her body's limit. Livitz stumbled slightly, she was on the verge of blacking out completely but wasn't willing to give up so easily.

Running right for him one last time, her body was too unsteady to even take a full step forward. Collapsing into the ground, hitting her head on impact, she was out cold.

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