[Ch.18] Hawks Agency

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Livitz sat on the subway train, holding her bag eagerly awaiting to see Chiharu. Her leg bounced up and down from growing anticipation. She was ecstatic to see her cousin after so long. It had been a few months since they last saw one another due to school at UA starting for Livitz. Chiharu did send her messages though, saying how proud she was of her little cousin.

Looking out the window, she saw the city of Fukuoka growing large. Her eyes were caught on the massive buildings and terrain of the far mountain range. Pressing her face close to the window, Livitz looked closely at the beautiful city. Seeing the landscape disappear momentarily, the subway train went into a large enclosed tunnel.

After moments of silence and darkness of the tunnel, the approaching light of the station grew closer. Hitting the brakes and stopping the train to let people on and off, Livitz rushed out as soon as she could. Looking around, she didn't see anyone there to retrieve her. Was she at the correct stop or-


Having a miniature heart attack from the loud and roaring voice growing closer, Livitz could feel the gust of wind on the back of her neck. Before turning around, Livitz was swiftly tackled into the ground and squeezed tightly. The slim, but strong grip and muscle from the arms gave away who was hugging the life out of her. It was Chiharu.

Letting out a happy scream, Chiharu's grip on Livitz grew, popping her back in the process. "I've missed you so much!! I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!!" Barely able to breathe now, Livitz squeaked out a few words. "C-Can't... breathe!" Chiharu, hearing her cousin speak meekly, caused her to release the grip.

Standing up straight to get her breathing back under control, Livitz stared at Chiharu. A slim, but strong and well built physique, standing at 5'6. Short, white, and brown hair, with bangs swinging on separate sides of her face. Large angelic white wings swaying lightly with the wind of passing trains. Livitz was obsessed with how gorgeous her cousin was.

After observing her cousin for a second, Livitz swiftly jumped onto Chiharu. Grasping each other into a tight hug, they jokingly sobbed about how much they missed one another. "Aghhh!! Livie!!" "Haru!!" Squeezing the life nearly out of each other, they let go and chuckled softly. "It's been too long!! I am glad you're here." Chiharu grabbed one of Livitz's bags, throwing it over her shoulder.

"I'm glad I was given the offer. I am so happy to be here." Walking alongside one another, they began to exit the train station and head to Hawks Agency. Getting approached by several people along the way, Livitz and Chiharu were both being recognized for their abilities. Finally making it to the agency, they took the elevator up to where Livitz would be staying. "Okay, so first things first, the schedule for this week."

Exiting the elevator, they walked down the short, but well kept hallway of rooms. "Today, you will be settling in and we will begin with some light training for the internship. I want to get a stronger grasp and understanding of your power and strength. Tomorrow, we will go on Patrol's so you can see more of Fukuoka." Leading Livitz to her room, Chiharu held the door open so they could both enter.

Placing her bags on the bed and floor beneath it, Livitz looked out the window at the eye shocking view. She could see nearly the entire city. It was astounding and beautiful. "Wednesday, I agreed to help in the search for the Hero Killer. You know who that is, correct?" Breaking her gaze from the city below, Livitz remembered watching the news just days before.

Ingenium. Iida's older brother had been attacked in Hosu, the most recent location of the Hero Killer, Stain. The cunning but horrifying look of Stain was racked into Livitz's brain. Gulping quietly, she turned back to Chiharu and slowly nodded her head.

Chiharu let out a breath and sat on the bed. "He is currently in Hosu. From what myself and other Pro Heroes have observed, he attacks approximately 4 to 5 people in an area before moving onto another." Livitz walked away from the window and sat down beside Chiharu. "While we are in Hosu, we will be there with Endeavor. You know who he is, I presume?" Livitz nodded her head, knowing of the #2 hero and his son's placement in her class.

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