[Ch.6] Hero

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Reaching her house a few minutes later, Jaku and Akemi were in the kitchen trying to cook food. While Elivity and Deku chuckled at the sight of them 'cooking', Livitz just sighed in disappointment. "You guys have 3 simple rules and you can't even follow them..." Rubbing her temple, she walked to the kitchen and pulled Jaku off the counter, while pushing Akemi out of the kitchen. "What were y'all trying to make?" "Spaghetti!"

The two small children laughed as they went to the living room to watch something on TV. "Okay, they already browned the ground beef. All we have to do is boil the Spaghetti strings and get the tomato sauce." Livitz bent down and grabbed a pot from one of the lower cabinets.

Deku and Elivity had been over to her house several times before, so they knew where just about everything was. Deku walked over to the pantry and grabbed tomato sauce, while Elivity grabbed the Spaghetti strings. Filling the pot with water, Livitz turned on the burner and placed it onto the lit flame.

Elivity placed the Spaghetti strings by Livitz before hearing a loud crash in the living room. "Akemi! Jaku! What're y'all doing in there??" Deku quickly dropped the tomato sauce on the counter and ran toward the living room.

"Jaku tried to use his quirk on me!" "Did not! You tried to spark me with yours!" As the two began arguing, Deku tried to calm it down. "Izuku!" Excited to see him, the two stopped arguing and focused on him. Livitz lowered the heat on the flame of the stovetop and walked to the living room with Elivity trailing behind her.

"You got this, Izu?" Deku nodded his head as he began braiding Akemi's hair. The blonde girl's heart ached at the adorable sight. Staring for a few seconds, she then went back to the kitchen with Elivity to finish working on dinner.

Turning the flame on the stovetop back up again, the two girls stood there and chatted briefly. "What do you think of UA so far? Knowing you, you probably already have your eyes on a guy." Livitz smirked at Elivity in a joking manner.

Elivity rolled her eyes and tried to not seem like the question got to her. "Yeah, I hate it when you're right you piece of shit." Letting out a chuckle at her being correct with her friend's boy craziness, she sat on her counter and looked at Elivity. "So?? What does he look like?"

Placing her back against the counter, with her elbows resting on top of it, Elivity glanced toward Livitz and let out a soft sigh. "You know the spiky redhead with sharp teeth? Him..." Livitz's eyes widened so fast when she realized who it was. "You like Eijiro Kirishima?!"

Elivity swiftly punched Livitz in the arm. "Shut up!" Gritting her teeth at what Livitz practically yelled out to the world, Elivity scoffed. "Yes, Kirishima..." Livitz was stunned and surprised. "He seems like a nice guy based on my first interactions with him this week. Would you like his number? I got it when taking Akemi and Jaku to the park a few days ago." Elivity widened her eyes and was nervous/hesitant when depicting her answer. "Sure... Create a group chat with the three of us, seems more normal and less creepy if you make it..."

Livitz nodded her head and pulled her phone out of her pocket, going to her iMessage app. Choosing their two contacts, Livitz sent the first text.


Hey! Decided to make a gc for Elivity to make more

friends. Starting with one on one, I figured you

(Kirishima), would be the nicest person for her to get to know first!


Oh, nice! Elivity Vilichi, correct?

Elivity was staring at her phone before looking at Livitz. She honestly didn't know how to feel nor react, Elivity stood there staring at her phone. "Answer, you idiot!" Livitz had broken the quiet silence when hopping off the counter and snapping her fingers at Elivity.

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