[Ch.27] Final Exams

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Livitz got a strong sense of warmth and comfort upon waking up the following morning. A sensually sweet scent of caramel with a balanced smell of burnt wood, it was something that soothed her in the unconscious state. Causing a gradually growing crave to keep this feeling, she attempted to cuddle closer before feeling a broad figure against her. Confused, her eyes began opening.

Her senses soon taking in her surroundings, Livitz's ears immediately acknowledged the sound of vague, deep toned snoring. Her green eyes shot open. That's when her breath was taken when realizing everything. Bakugou was beneath her... She was cuddled up to him. Laying against his chest whilst his muscular arms wrapped at her waist. Her blood pressure spiked and butterflies swarmed her stomach.

She shakily began attempting to sit up before feeling his grip on her tighten. "Holy shit," Livitz thought, finding this to be so unbelievable as to remotely be true. Seeing that he wasn't going to let her go, Livitz sunk her teeth into her tongue. Deciding to wake him up. "Katsuki," She patted her hand against his chest, "K-Katsuki...Wake up!"

Her hand hit his body harder, wanting him to get up immediately. Bakugou's crimson eyes gradually opened before widening. They shot to hers, staring straight into them as red covered both of their cheeks. A silence was placed between them. Soon interrupting with the confused morning voice of Bakugou. "What the fuck?! Get the hell off of me, Goldilocks!!" He yelled, pushing her off.

"Sorry!" She yelled in response. Her skin turned fifty shades of red with the realization of what had happened. Livitz was cuddling with Katsuki Bakugou. Holding her breath, she soon heard the furiously rapid footsteps of the ash blonde rushing out of her room.

In a confused daze, she felt tears swelling into her eyes. Unbeknownst to her, it was another side effect of the healing quirk from the previous night. Wiping her light tears with her good hand, Livitz bit her lower lip before hearing approaching footsteps. Not caring to acknowledge whomever it was, she was silent. It was broken with the soft tone of her mother's voice though.

"Livitz...Are you okay, honey?" With the pressure of her mattress increasing beside her, Livitz still didn't look at Lei. "Where the fuck were you guys last night?...You left me with Katsuki and things went to shit," She turned to her mother with narrowed brows and glassy eyes. "Y'all were gone for hours! What the hell?!"

Lei sighed before explaining. "The missing ingredients were out of town. Not thinking much of an extra twenty minute drive, we drove before getting a flat. We didn't get home until around 10:40 last night. When getting home though, we found you and Katsuki in here. Happy, asleep, and calm." Livitz continued to listen to the explanation given to her. Seeing and figuring out the situation when charging Mitsuki's dead phone, the two mothers found the entire story in dozens of messages and voicemails.

Giving a light bop of her head, Livitz let out a breath and looked forward. With a slither of her mother's arm at her waist and a kiss on the head, the blonde closed her eyes. Wanting to escape the current reality of her life so she could wake up to find out this was some form of a fucked up dream.


The events of just sixteen hours had taken a massive toll on Livitz. Whether or not it was in a positive or negative way was still undetermined. Her feelings were all over the place. Making it troubling to understand what specifically she thought of the situation.

The date was now Friday. Nearly a week later and yet Livitz still couldn't get her mind off of that night. It was a swirling pit of butterflies in her stomach upon recalling it. Due to this, she lost concentration several times during the written portions of the exams. Thankfully, it was the day of the practical half of the exam.

Thinking about the conversation of going against simple combat bots, Livitz was ready to blow her steam off. Relax and let her feelings loose with the training. Although, she took precautions with this. Not wanting to scream out her blind confusion of what she felt during specific parts of the night.

Livitz sat in the locker room. Quieter than usual as she focused on completing the last portion of her final exams. When Livitz popped open the lid of her costume suitcase, her eyes were drawn to the updated hero costume inside. Primarily colored black with yellow lines snaking across it. The fabrication of her costume was made of her skin DNA. Protecting it from possible damage of her quirk. Tight and flexible to enhance her flexibility.

Metal wristlets to deflect enemy attacks. An earpiece with a sun-shaped spike. A pair of black combat boots that cover the knees, above the knee. Capsules of water being held just over her thigh. The final touch being the belt strapped at her waist. Inspired by Todoroki, it held capsules of first aid treatment for when help doesn't arrive in crisis situations.

She loved it already. It truly described herself and what she wanted to be seen as when a Pro Hero. Picking up the costume materials, she began dressing herself. The vague chit chat amongst Livitz's female peers was tuned out. Not caring too much on what was being said as it didn't concern her. Snapping her belt and tightening it at her waist, Livitz let out a breath.

"Relax and focus. Get through the day and you will be fine," She thought. Taking a deep inhale, she blinked before exhaling. With that, Livitz walked out. Determined and ready to pass.


"Rather than having you fight against combat bots compared to previous years," Aizawa's glare at his students moved from left to right. Examining each of them closely. Watching for their reactions. "We will have you fighting against us."

The bomb had dropped.

Livitz's eyes widened. They couldn't be serious. They had years of experience in the field of a Pro-Hero. Class 1-A had less than a month despite the villain attacks. Putting their skill levels against each other would ultimately have the students outmatched. "Students will be placed in pairs of two against one of U.A's staff members. First up, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu," A toothy grin pursed from Aizawa's once sleep deprived expression, "Against me."

Livitz swallowed the growing lump in her throat. Refusing to show the building up of nervousness as a sign of weakness and fear. The question was though, who would she be put against. Midnight, right? Livitz had taken a huge liking to her from an early age so it would make sense. Not only that, the two had interacted often insi-

"Bakugou, Midoriya, and Sizuki. You will be in the group of three." Aizawa snapped Livitz of her thoughts. "Against," Aizawa couldn't finish with All Might making an entrance in front of the three. "We're going against All Might?!" The three teenage minds panicked. Going against a U.A staff member was one thing. Going against the number one hero was a whole other ballgame. 

Editor Eve:


Didn't even finish before I started getting new ideas.

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