[Ch.9] Sports Festival Start

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The students of 1-A were mingling amongst one another, they had no idea what to do from the events of the previous day. They were honestly more curious to see who would be subbing as their teacher for class till Aizawa returned.

Pulling through like a soldier from war, Aizawa walked into his class all bandaged up. Shocking the hell out of his students, Iida commented saying he was glad Aizawa was okay and well enough to teach them. "I wouldn't call that 'okay'" Livitz sat at her desk with a blunt expression.

After expressing to them that they shouldn't worry over his injuries and the healing process, he told them a new battle was about to begin for them. "The U.A Sports Festival." Getting hyped up, a memory of the year before crossed Livitz's mind.

She and Deku had watched them on TV and couldn't wait to be a part of it themselves. While most were excited for the Sports Festival, a few were showing forms of concern for the events that had only played out 24 hours previously. "I understand the concern you all may have after the events of yesterday, however, the U.A staff thinks it is the best way to show that we are stronger than ever."

Aizawa continued explaining the reasoning behind why they were having the festival, before ending it with a word of advice to not slack off on their training. "Mina! Jirou! Wanna eat lunch together?" The three girls walked beside one another to the cafeteria for lunch, before abruptly being stopped by All Might.

"Young Sizuki! I need to speak with you, care to have lunch with me?" Thinking it was a little strange, but not too surprised to see All Might, Livitz nodded her head and followed All Might to the napping lounge. Leaving her in there, she was alone for a few minutes.

While she had these moments of silence to herself, the blonde was trying to figure out why she was needed. Not long after, the door opened and stepped in Deku and All Might. Before she could say anything, All Might shut the door and proceeded to go into his weaker form, spitting some blood in the process.

Letting out a frightful scream of pure shock and horror, Livitz hadn't seen All Might this way, so she was seriously startled to see the 'Symbol of Peace' practically deflated. "W-What?? You deflated! I-I didn't expect him to look like this!"

Deku threw his hands over Livitz's mouth, indicating she needed to calm down. Understanding what was needed, she took a minute to capture her thoughts. When returning All Might began making tea before speaking with the two.

"Young Sizuki, this is the weaker form of my power that I and Young Midoriya told you about." Nodding her head gently, she carefully understood what he was saying. "I'm sorry for the outburst... Just seriously didn't expect that..."

"It's okay, Liv. You honestly should've seen how I reacted when I first saw it." Deku rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle following. Pouring the two students a cup of tea, he began to explain the backlash of the events of the day before.

"You shortened your time?" Deku questioned All Might, trying to remain calm and rational. "Yes, I can hold my muscular form for maybe an hour, at most." Livitz was on edge with the conversation before her, she honestly didn't know what to think or how to react.

Taking a sip of her tea, it lightly burned the tip of her tongue but wasn't any sensation too alarming. "So, at most, you can maybe teach one class and that is it?" Looking up from her staring off into space, her gaze was met by the two males. "Yes, if I am lucky enough..."

All Might and Deku were visibly disappointed that the attack on the USJ occurred when it did. Livitz crossed her legs and let some more of her thoughts sink in as the silence between the three continued.

"About the upcoming Sports Festival," Catching the two students focus back on himself, All Might began speaking about the Sports Festival. "You need to come up with a way to proudly show yourself to the world. Pro Heroes everywhere will be watching closely, it is important to make a name for yourself. Both of you, not only you, Young Midoriya."

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