[Ch.14] Livitz Sizuki vs Tenya Iida

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Arriving at the room within a matter of minutes, her battle could wait. She needed to make sure Deku was okay. Barging in, All Might and Recovery Girl stood by one of the beds. Slamming the door shut, Livitz marched right over to Deku and struggled not to yell at him. "Izuku, you should've been more careful... that was insane."

Tightening her balled up fists, Livitz looked down at Deku and her expression killed him. Her eyes were teared up lightly while her lip was trembling with its frown. Livitz wasn't going to cry, but she wasn't going to smile for how that match played out. "I'm sorry, Liv. I shouldn't have tried to provoke him into using his fire..." Deku felt his heartache at her expression.

Knowing he was the cause of her worry, he remembered that his mother had watched the entire battle as well. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Livitz looked down at Deku with a sympathetic expression. "Midoriya, you should listen to Sizuki. For treatment, I am going to have to perform surgery to remove any shattered bone fragments in your body."

Recovery Girl was visibly disappointed with how Deku had willingly destroyed his body trying to try to win a fight. After a moment of silence between the four of them, a few more of their friends barged in through the door. Startling Livitz and All Might, they both quickly calmed down before greeting them. "Hello sir, it is nice to meet you." Uraraka was kind toward All Might, not recognizing his weakened form.

"Don't you have your fights right now?" Deku looked at Livitz and Iida, remembering they were battling next. "The arena was too damaged. They are taking a break to repair it for the next round." As the group continued to talk loudly about how the previous round went and how the future rounds may go, Recovery Girl urged them to leave so she could prepare for surgery.

"SURGERY??!" All of his peers, besides Livitz, shrieked at the thought of how severe Deku's injuries were. Ushering them out finally, Livitz and Iida looked at one another. Smirking determination to one another, they were both ready to battle. "Good luck, Iida." Adjusting his glasses, he nodded softly. "Good luck to you as well, Sizuki."

The 2nd match of the 2nd round was about to begin. After about 10 minutes of the arena being rebuilt, Livitz and Iida were finally getting to battle one another. Standing on the far right side of the field, Livitz rested her arms beside her figure. She was nervous but prepared to fight against Iida.

Concluding she would have to rely on her physical strength with acrobatics, Livitz had a small plan in mind on how to possibly beat her opponent. "Let the second battle, BEGIN!!"

Dashing right off the bat at Livitz, Iida was trying to go around her to attack from behind. Figuring that he would try and push or pull her out of bounds, Livitz swiftly made her way to the center of the ring. Iida was quick though, he slid from behind and gripped her shoulders with a firm and tight grasp.

He pushed her directly toward the edge of the ring. Seeing the out of bounds approach quickly, she acted out of impulse. The crowd was shocked beyond repair with how she took this move from Iida. Using her palms, she snapped her body up and flipped behind Iida. Curling straight out of her ball, she swiftly kicked his back forward and out of the ring.

It didn't seem like it to Livitz, but when watching from the stands, it felt like that singular moment had been fought in slow motion. Landing on her hands, she pushed herself back onto her feet. Her heart was full of adrenaline, she didn't have any clear thoughts when seeing the crowds cheering her on. "Iida is out of bounds! Sizuki advances to the Semi-Finals!"

Her soul was brought back to her body when hearing Midnight's voice. Smiling softly, she saw Iida rise from where he had landed. She bowed at Iida, grateful to have gone against a good opponent. Iida returned the grin and gave her a thumbs up before walking toward the exit of the stadium.

Although that match had only lasted no more than 30 seconds, it had shown the high potential of both competitors. Leaving the stadium, Livitz felt this warm feeling from within her. She couldn't figure out whether it was happiness for her victory, or nervousness building up for her match against Todoroki.

"If Todoroki ends up using his left side against me in the next round, I will more than likely lose. Luckily, I can defend and fight against his ice with my acid and explosions. So it will be a partially equal battle." Walking up the flights of stairs, Livitz hurried back to her seat so she could watch Mina and Tokoyami's battle.

"Liv! I am so insanely proud of you!! That was the most amazing offensive attack I've seen during the Sports Festival that used more physical strength than power!" Elivity tackled Livitz and hugged her tightly, showing the satisfaction of her friend's advancement. "Thank you! I honestly thought I would've slipped up when moving." Releasing Elivity from the tight hug, Livitz rubbed her neck nervously.

Just like the previous match, this one was over before even a minute was on the clock, Dark Shadow had pushed Mina out of bounds and onto her butt. As the final match of the 2nd round began, Livitz realized she was the only female from the entire 1st year class in the Semi-Finals. Her heart beating in her throat, Livitz did her best to reassure herself and calm her senses as she watched the final match.

Right when the final match commenced, Deku had finally come back from surgery with Recovery Girl. Seeing the green haired boy from her peripheral vision, Livitz waved for him to come down to sit alongside them. "Hey Izu! How did your surgery go?" Making his way down to Livitz, Deku sat beside her.

"It went well, thanks for asking. Congratulations on making it to the Semi-Finals, I am very proud of you." Livitz grinned softly as she began to relax more. "Thank you, Izu." Deku nodded his head before hearing an explosion from the arena below. As they looked down, they saw Bakugou blasting Kirishima on the side of his body.

Bakugou seemed to have figured something out as he continuously fired off explosions onto Kirishima, causing his defense to weaken more and more. Eventually, he set off an explosion onto Kirishima, causing his hardened form to finally break. Falling over from the impact, Kirishima was knocked out, just like Uraraka had been.

Swallowing her thoughts, Livitz was terrified to just imagine going up against Bakugou, especially if he was using his quirk. The Semi-Finalists pictures appeared on the Stadium TV, showing the crowd who was battling for the 3rd round. Livitz arose from her seat and began walking down to the stadium.

Editor Eve: 


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