[Ch.11] The Fight for 10 Million

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"Begin!" Hearing the clearance to start, Livitz began skidding her feet from side to side to have balance and speed with her peers. "Since Midoriya has 10 million points, people are going to go after him first, along with us and Bakugou. We should for now dodge others until we can corner Midoriya's team."

Following the guidance of Todoroki, they did their best to avoid any obstacles with other students. Livitz was giving her all to this round, she followed everything Todoroki instructed and was doing her best with the balance control in her body when dodging targets, while also holding up the red and white haired boy.

"Todoroki, Midoriya's team, six-o-clock!" Yaoyorozu guided Todoroki to see that the 1st place contestant and his team were all alone. Nodding the Iida guided the team to sneak attack the green haired boy.

"Iida, duck!" Lowering his head, Livitz fired a large amount of acid toward Deku's team. Snapping her fingers when close to impact, Dark Shadow appeared and blocked the entire attack causing it to fire back at the people around them.

Yaoyorozu, being swift to her abilities, made a thick sheet of fabric to cover them. Throwing the cloth off moments after, Todoroki created a blockade of ice to surround the two of the teams. It was clear that this was going to go one of two ways, they keep the 10 million headband, or lose it.

When turning the team to try and attack, Deku kept having his team shift to the right. It was clear that if he kept this up, the timer would run out and they would still have the points. Todoroki was debating on what he should do, seeing that Dark Shadow defended against Livitz's attack, he was unsure of her limits with her power.

A crack of Midnight's whip echoed through the student's ears. "60 seconds!" The adrenaline of most students began pumping rapidly through those still able to move around. "Todoroki, I have a plan that will immobilize me and make me useless to you." Curious as to what Iida was indicating, the two females made sure they held up Todoroki tightly. "Just make sure to get that headband."

"Recipro Burst!" Within a flash, Iida blasted the entire team past Deku and made sure to grab the headband from around his head. Feeling her whole body shake lightly with slight unbalance, Livitz was trying to comprehend what had happened. Iida then quickly explained that the move he had just performed was one he had been saving for a special occasion.

Livitz smiled at what Iida had told them, it was clear she wasn't the only one who had been working with her quirk to create a special move. Staring back toward the opposing team, they were in pure shock with the realization that they could lose now. Taking the leap of faith, they ran toward Todoroki and his peers.

As they got close, Todoroki readied his left side and turned his arm to fire at Deku. Flicking his arm, the wind pressure from Deku's arm dissipated Todoroki's fire. Livitz seeing Todoroki use his fire was surprised to see him use it, having been told before beginning that he never uses his left side when in combat.

Todoroki was distracted from seeing himself break his own promise. This action created an opening for Deku to grab back the 10 million headband. Running right past him once more, Deku grabbed what he assumed was his original headband.

Livitz glanced up after seeing Deku's team run away, her eyes still saw the 10 million headband around his neck, indicating they had grabbed a different one than the one intended. Once they had realized they still didn't have enough points to advance, Deku charged right for them once more.

When close enough, Livitz fired her acid once again at them and snapped her fingertips. Dark Shadow blocked the attack, while Yaoyorozu created a pole for Todoroki to use. Freezing it with his ice, Bakugou's team blasted through the ice barrier and the blonde himself flew toward the two teams. Awaiting combat, the timer rang throughout the entire stadium, ending the match. Letting out a small sigh of relief from the adrenaline rush, Livitz and Yaoyorozu helped Todoroki step down from the high position. Feeling worn out from the events of that round, Livitz took a second to catch her breath before taking off the rollerblades.

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