[Ch.26] Enfolded Discoveries

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Sliding back quicker than she could think, her hand impulsively gripped the closest thing to her. The shower curtain. Tearing the curtain off as she fell, her shoulder harshly collided with the shower wall. The sharp and gradual throbbing sensation shot through her arm whilst feeling a sagging motion between her shoulder blade and forearm. Landing in the tub, she rested there with heated water hitting her skin as the world went quiet...before erupting loudly with a pained scream.


The yell of his name echoed through the house and Bakugou's eardrums. He swiftly shot up and ran to the staircase as he dashed up to the bathroom. Bashing his fist onto the door, he demanded to know what had happened. "Goldilocks! What the fuck is going on in there?!" Livitz felt the aching tension quicken in growth at her shoulder, making her bite her lower lip. "I slipped! Please get in here!"

Bakugou hesitated. He didn't want to possibly see her in a way that wasn't meant to be seen. He practically committed mental suicide at the sheer thought popping into his teenage mind. Biting his cheek, he reluctantly opened the door and walked over to her. Watching her attempt to adjust her good arm to hide her revealed boobs, a snarky remark impulsively left his lips.

"Nice pair."


Livitz growled with annoyance, getting pissed that he was staring at her foreign spots without permission. What should she have expected though? Any teen boy would've done the same. Bakugou chuckled lowly in response. Slowly, he gazed away and grabbed the nearby towel. "Can you move?" She glared at him from behind, finding his idiotic questions to be unhelpful. "Katsuki, I possibly dislocated my shoulder..." His head snapped back at her. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?! Call 911!?" She scoffed at his empty sass.

"Can you not be an asshole right now?! Fucking try calling your mom or something..." Livitz looked away, feeling light sprinkles of water from the showerhead hitting her face. Meanwhile, Bakugou took out his phone and dialed his mom's number. It went straight to voice-mail, making him grunt while presuming to text her. Hitting send, the message didn't go through or show a delivered receipt. "What the fuck....Why isn't this shit working!?" Hearing his words, Livitz's heart sank as she figured out a way to get her help. The only problem was...neither were going to like it.

As Bakugou hit the side of his phone, Livitz let out a short breath. "You can drive, right?" Making eye contact, he saw the look in her eyes and knew what she was thinking. "...You want me to take you myself..." He muttered his words quietly but loud enough for her to hear them. With a passive nod of her head, Bakugou scoffed carelessly. "Katsuki...Please, I don't want to wait and possibly make things worse..."

With a sharp tapping of his foot into the ground, he took a deep breath before snapping. "Ugh!! Fucking fine, dumbass!"

Snatching the towel off the counter, he knelt next to her and observed her kick the shower curtains back from her body. Covering up impulsively, she looked into his eyes to carefully watch as he wrapped the towel onto her nude body.

Bakugou gradually and lightly moved Livitz out of the tub, doing his best to ensure he didn't hurt her. With each vague movement of her arm, a strike of pain shot to the dislocated area, causing her to tremble in immense misery. Mumbling incoherent curse words under her breath, Livitz moved away from him once she stood up. "Can you at least walk, clutz?" As Bakugou turned to shut off the shower, she glared at him. Processing the moronic question, she had a massive urge to rip off her arm and beat him senseless with it. "Considering I don't walk on my hands, yes I can still walk."

He growled at her sarcasm. Finding it to be annoying, Bakugou gazed back over to her for a moment before walking out of the bathroom. This entire situation put him on serious edge. He didn't want to be doing any of this as he found it uncomfortable within himself. Following behind him to her room, Livitz watched him walk over to her closet while she sat on the bed. In the following moments, Bakugou came out of the closet with shorts and a shirt. "Really? Not even a bra?" Livitz commented when seeing the lack of undergarments.

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