[Ch.4] Picking Class Rep

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"What is it like having the 'Symbol of Peace' as a teacher??"

Having a microphone practically shoved in her face, Livitz got a little flustered from the camera focusing on her. "I-I... Well, he is very tall..." Livitz swiftly tried to walk away and get into school, not wanting to be crammed with more questions, she was in enough pain/annoyance as is.

Walking into the class, Livitz held her hand against her back. Cursing internally at herself, earlier that morning she had been a clutz and ended up falling down the staircase in her home, hitting her back harshly on the last few steps.

That was the last time she ran around in socks on a wooden staircase for a while. "Damn it, my fucking back hurts..." Walking to her desk, she sat down and took off her blazer, and used it as a pillow for her head to rest on. "You look like hell."

Looking up from her crossed arms, her eyes met the crimson orbs of the boy she beat on Xbox the previous night. "And you got your ass kicked. Your point?"

"GOLDILOCKS, YOU CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD!! I'LL GLADLY KICK YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW!!" Smirking at him, she knew he wouldn't have the balls to hurt her, especially since his mom was fond of her. "Sure, you will~" Bakugou growled before sitting down and breaking his pencil. Placing her head back down, it wasn't more than a few moments before she was nudged again.

Turning her head, she could see Kirishima above her. "Hmm?" "Want some Tylenol? I have some in my bag." Pointing his thumb at his bag, she nodded her head. Pulling his bag onto his desk, he pulled the bottle out. "How many?" "A thousand." She retorted sarcastically.

Laughing at her reply, he took two out of the bottle. "Ha! I'll take that as two. You should see Recovery Girl before the end of the day." Placing the two pills in her mouth, she took a drink of her water bottle. "Thank you." Sitting back up, class started shortly after when Mr.Aizawa arrived. "Good Morning class."

When the class responded kindly, Mr.Aizawa had first talked about the results of the Training Exercise the day before. "Bakugou, you have a lot of potential. So don't sulk like a child over a loss." Bakugou sneered before rolling his eyes. Aizawa then went onto Deku. "Midoriya, I saw the only way you won the trial was by breaking your arm again. You need to gain more control over your quirk and don't tell me the same excuse, it is already getting old."

He then directed his eyes to Livitz, feeling uneasy about his cold glare, her cheeks turned pink out of nervousness. "Sizuki, I saw that you were the only student in the trial to not rely on your quirk, it is a good strategy. Keep it up." Surprised by his words, she smiled before thanking him with a head nod.

Afterward, Aizawa calmly explained they needed to pick a class representative. Of course, everyone in the class wanted to have the job of Class Rep. As the class stirred up with people wanting the job, Tenya Iida cut off the chaos suing into the class.

"Everyone! Being a Class Representative is to lead and guide others! It is not just a position anyone can hold. Therefore, we should do this democratically and fairly. I say we hold an election!" Most of the class proceed to roll their eyes at what was being said, thinking he just wanted them to vote for him. The class agreed to it though, after counting the votes of the class, results were announced.

"HUH! How did I get four votes??" Deku panicked out of sheer surprise from the results of the election. Bakugou slammed his hands down onto the desk and his pupils disappeared. "Alright you idiots, who voted for him?!" Sero cocked his head to the side and smirked at him. "What did you really think anyone was going to vote for you?"

Livitz stared at Bakugou as she watched him nearly kick the shit out of Sero. Being called to the front of the class, Aizawa announced who the Class Rep and Deputy were. "Midoriya is your Class Representative and your Deputy is Yaoyorozu." Livitz looked at Deku and gave him a soft smile and thumbs up.

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