[Ch.24] Training Buddies

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After school on Friday, when hearing three repetitive knocks on her front door, Livitz ushered over to answer it. "Hey Izu! Come inside, for now, I'm helping my siblings pack for a sleepover at my grandma's." Letting Deku into the house, he chuckled softly as he watched her running around to help out. "Are you leaving with them after we train today?" Turning to him, she shook her head as she placed a package of noodles down on her counter.

"Nope. I am leaving early tomorrow morning to attend a weekend business trip with my mom." Deku widened his eyes when hearing her plans. "You sure you don't want to stay here or at my house? No offense just sounds like it could be boring since your mom will possibly be working..." Livitz slowly walked back over to Deku with a smile. "Yes, I'm sure. I planned to explore the city and have fun while my mom works."

He smiled back at her, giving her a small nod. "Oh, well have fun, and don't forget to use some time to study." She chuckled while walking toward the staircase. "Thanks and don't worry, I will and already have plans to study." Heading upstairs, she soon finished helping her siblings pack before leaving the house with Deku.

"Be back in a few hours! Love you, Mom!" Shutting the front door behind her, Livitz moved alongside Deku as they began to head to the park. "Okay, what should we train on first? Quirks or physical strength?" Cracking her knuckles and crossing her arms, Livitz's eyes turned to look at Deku. "Hmm... I'd say to warm up we should train our physical strength before moving onto our quirks."

Nodding, she smiled softly while looking forward. "Alright, what's new with One for All? I saw how you've been using it. Seems like All Might's old teacher taught you something, huh?" Deku shook his head lightly. "Yeah, he showed me how to summon One for All in my entire body rather than in just one area. He also taught me how to control it better by holding the power at 5 percent so I don't do any damage to myself." She widened her eyes, astonished by the significant growth he'd gotten in the span of one week.

"That's amazing Izuku. I'm proud of you." She gave her condolences with a grin. He smiled back at her, appreciating the constant support. "Thanks. I noticed you've grown as well. What's new with your quirk?" Crossing a road together, the park was now in close view to both of them. "Chiharu helped me to summon acid from the moisture of the atmosphere rather than relying on the water in my body. With that, she also began teaching me how to bend it rather than just striking off a singular attack."

The spark of fanboy curiosity grew in his eyes as he grinned brightly at her. "So it's similar to waterbending?" Looking at him as they approached the park, she nodded. "That's really awesome Liv! That significantly improves your quirk and durability for battles." Her smile grew as she listened to his support and encouragement.

Making their way into the park, they found an area that was large enough to train without disrupting other people. Placing her phone in her pocket, Livitz looked to Deku. "Are you ready to start?" Stretching her arms from side to side for a moment, Livitz slowly bent down to touch her toes before standing up straight. "Yeah. Where do you wanna start with physical strength?"

She cracked her knuckles. "We can run a few laps and then begin small training with our quirks. I don't wanna do anything too big because we're in a public area and don't have our hero licenses yet." Nodding at her, he stood alongside her. "Ready?" He grinned over at her.

Smirking back at him, she shook her head. "Let's do this!"


Coming to a slow stop, Livitz gently sat on the ground beside Deku. As her chest rose and fell rapidly, she took a moment to catch her breath before looking over to Deku. "That was fun...We should really do this more often..." Speaking between breaths, Livitz grinned up at him. She was glad that they'd gotten some alone time to hang out and train together.

"Yeah, we should." He smiled back at her before helping her up. Pulling his phone out to check the time, he wiped the sweat lightly dripping from his forehead. "It's almost dinner... Wanna hang out here before heading back?" Vaguely gazing her eyes over to his, she gave a small nod before stretching her arms out. "Have you seen the trailer for the new Space Jam?"

Deku and Livitz began walking in the direction of a shaded tree. Giving a nod, he signaled for her to continue. "Have you seen the way they made Lola Bunny?" Upon sitting down against the trunk, he chuckled softly as he had an idea of where she was going with the topic. "You hate the way she looks-"

"I hate the way she looks!"

She sighed while lowering her eyes. "They seriously ruined her. She doesn't even look that amazing because of her shitty design." Resting his head back on the bark, Deku looked at her and laughed. "What do you hate about it?" Her eyes widened as she turned to face him. "Oh my god... where do I even begin? They took away her feminine features. Made her wear the actual basketball uniform rather than the classic from the original movie. She looks like a new version of Slappy Squirrel and it sucks."

Deku could understand where she was coming from since she'd been a fan of the original character. "Well, how about we don't see the new movie then? As much as I'd love to hear you absolutely trash the movie, I don't want one of your favorite fictional characters being ruined." Livitz smiled at him, appreciating the concern he had toward her love for the character. "Sounds like a plan. I'm just hoping my siblings don't wanna see it or I'll be forced to watch it."

He chuckled softly before looking forward. "I'll tag along so you can see a different movie. How about the sequel to Escape Room?" Hearing that, she slowly gazed forward as her heart warmed with his kindness. "That movie seems good. I'm down for that." Moving closer to him, she slowly laid her head against his shoulder and turned to look at him.

"Can I have a piggyback ride back to my house?" She giggled softly while asking, hoping he'd agree since she was mildly lazy at the moment. Rather than answering, he carefully moved in front of her so she could hop on his back. Grinning brightly, she wrapped her legs close to his waist before sensing his hands creating support to hold her up. "I bet you enjoy this because you feel taller, don't you?" He laughed while beginning the walk back to her house.

Tenderly ruffling his hair, she hummed an 'mhm!' in her throat as a response. Continuing the journey to her house, they spoke on more things occurring in their lives or random topics that had come to mind. Both had sincerely missed spending moments like this with each other. Since they hadn't done it as much with the start of school, they did their best to cherish this time they had alone.

Reaching her house within minutes, he carefully let her down before hugging her carefully. "Have a good night and have fun with your mom on the trip." Wrapping her arms around his neck, she nodded in return to his words. After a moment of comfortable silence, they pulled away and smiled at one another. "Love you Izuku. I'll see you on Monday."

Waving lightly with her fingertips, she opened her front door. She listened to the brief words he spoke before watching him walk off to his own house. "Love you too Liv. See you then."

Editor Eve:

One of the main things I hated about the original is that Livitz and Deku are certified best friends, but are barely ever talked about, or written together being best friends.

It was a leading factor as to why I decided to stop this original copy and revamped it as a whole.

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