aries: the one who can't stay in their cell for 5 minutes without needing to take a walk
taurus: head chef, everyone thinks they're in charge
gemini: the one who smuggles in all the goods
cancer: the one who makes friends with the guards to get random stuff off them like gum
leo: the one who asks gemini to smuggle in their beauty products
virgo: the one who arranges all the activities and coordinates with who's doing what and when
libra: the one who's best friends with everyone and runs the gossip mill
scorpio: the scary looking one who actually isn't scary just looks tough but really wants to be everyone's bff
sagittarius: if youre rude to them they will get taurus to stop serving you food for a week
capricorn: tough cookie, probably has sleeps with a knife under their pillow
aquarius: already knows how to get out - escaped prison so many times already 12th times the charm
pisces: the one who secretly runs everything
Zodiac Things ^^
RandomBook of zodiac signs and what they are most like and stuff ENJOY