The signs before a REALLY big test

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Aries: kinda just sits at there desk and looking super intense and sweats a lot.
Taurus: Tries to not think about it. Doesn't talk at all.
Gemini: Talks about how nervous they are to the people next to them.
Cancer: Face is all red. Is completely still and stares in the same direction until the test is handed out.
Leo: Their face is also red and keeps fidgeting with with things like their hair.
Virgo: Reviewing everything as fast as possible in their head while freaking out.
Libra: put their hands on their face a bunch of times. Has their eyes closed some of the time.
Scorpio: Stone cold and face is completely blank.
Sagittarius: has to go to the bathroom then get a drink of water like seven times.
Capricorn: cool on the outside a storm on the inside.
Aquarius: is shaking moving their legs and arms around a lot.
Pisces: staring into no where looking really miserable

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