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It has been a couple of weeks since I started school in Germany. Bill & I were incredibly close. I could consider him my best friend now.

I put my outfit on for school, today it was going to be 90°F. It was too hot out for the beginning of September. I put on a denim miniskirt that reached a little below my booty. I wore a navy blue crop top with it, I loved showing my belly button ring.

I pushed my hair behind my ears, showing off my ear piercings. I looked down to my breasts, maybe it wouldn't hurt too bad to get it pierced. I winked at myself and went downstairs for some breakfast, cheerios with bananas. Best combo ever.

I brushed my teeth again after my delicious breakfast and headed to school. Bill and Tom waited for me at a bus stop that was closest to us. Bill would drag Tom along. Of course, he flirted but he did that with every girl in sight, so I wasn't surprised when Tom whistled at me when I approached them.

I rolled my eyes at Tom and linked my arms with Bill. "Lets goooo," I sang as we walked to school. I felt a sharp slap on my butt, I quickly turned around to see Tom laughing. "You can't wear that in front of me and expect me not to do something," he winked.

I flipped him off but deep down, I kinda liked it. Bill laughed, he knew I didn't take offense to it. If I did, Tom would've been on the ground by now.

We were only about a block away from the school when a guy I'd seen around my school, came up to us. He was a grade above us. "Hi," he smiled. He seemed to be two inches taller than me. He had light brown wavy hair, his hazel eyes shimmered brightly with the sun beaming down.

I looked at him up & down. He wasn't bad, he was actually pretty cute. "Hey," i smiled flirting. "I've seen you around, you're pretty. I was wondering if I could get your number," I obliged, and took my pen out from my back pocket. I grabbed his forearm and wrote my number with my red pen, followed by a red heart and my first initial.

He smiled down at me, "Thanks. See you around."

The second he walked away, Bill's jaw dropped. "He wasn't bad," he whispered. "I knowww," I whispered back , giddily. "He looked like a pussy," Tom said out of the blue. I turned around with my eyebrows furrowed, Tom's face wasn't like it usually was. He looked almost... upset?



hEYY GUYSSS, please dont forget to vote! it truly motivates me to keep going!

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