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         You all sat down on the long L-shaped couch. It was the host, Tom, you, Bill, George, and Gustav. The lights beamed down on the group.

        "Welcome everyone, how are you guys?" the male host, Rio, greeted us. "Good, good," we all replied. Rio clapped his hands together, "So all of us here are familiar with Tokio Hotel, this is now their third appearance here on What's Up Today!"

       The crowd applauded which quickly settled down. "And here we have Y/N, which we don't know much about so, Y/N, introduce yourself to us! Where are you from, how old are you?"

        I smiled, "Yes well, my name is Y/N L/N. I am originally from New York and uh- I moved here to Germany a couple of months ago, so.. that's cool. But uh- yeah I'm 16 years old," you nodded with your statements.

        "Ohh, that's cool! So we've got a New Yorker here, huh?" the host joked around, you faked a laugh while nodding with him.

       "So, Y/N, how was it that you met the members here of Tokio Hotel?"

      "Oh well, I actually met them at school. I transferred to their school and Bill was my very first friend ever here in Germany," You smiled. Bill smiled at you as well.

        A string of "aww"s came from the crowd, "Aw, really?" The host questioned, now turning to Bill. Bill nodded,"Yes, She was introduced to us by the secretary and her seat is right next to mine so I , of course, decided to speak to her!"

       "Yes, it was very kind of Bill to take the initiative to speak to me first since I am quite shy," you chuckled.

        "Aw, that is very nice. Now how was it that you met Tom and everyone else?"

       "Directly through Bill! It turned out that Bill and I have almost every single class together and with Tom as well. He introduced me to them on my first day there, and well... we've all been very close ever since," You blushed as you explained.

       You had never truly thought about how close you were to them. They were like your second family. You accepted you with open arms and you gladly took that opportunity. 

        "Meaning, you've gotten very close with Tom, right?" Rio questioned. You knew what he was trying to do, he was going to try to make you say that you & Tom have something going on.

       "Yes, I've gotten very close to everyone in the group, equally," you played it off. Rio's expression dropped a bit, he was for sure expecting a different answer.

       "Alright.. well Tom, I also have a question for you, uh- How do you feel about Y/N joining your guys' friend group?"

        Tom smiled, "Well I feel great. Y'know, Y/N is very kind and she's very funny too, she likes to pull pranks on us and well I agree with her, we have all gotten very close as a group."

        Tom gave you a glance, his eyes clearly read that he was also going to play it off. Rio cleared his throat, again not expecting that answer.

       "That's very nice. Now Bill, Gustav, and George.. how do you guys feel about Y/N?"

       The guys glanced at each other before Gustav said ,"Like Tom said, she's very nice. She's almost like a mini version of Tom. They're equally as spontaneous and we all are very glad to say she's now a part of our group."

          Bill and Georg agreed with Gustav. The rest of the interview were random questions about the group, who argued with each other the most, what are our favorite foods, what was my experience like moving to Germany, etc.

       Nearing the end of the interview the host said he had a couple of last questions. Rio turned to Tom and you before pointing at the large screen behind you guys and said, "Tom & Y/N, are those photos of you two?"

      The boy and girl turned behind them to see what the host was referring to. The large screen showcased multiple photos of Tom and Y/N sharing ice cream, Tom kissing her head while they ate at the mall, and even them walking together with his arm around her shoulders.

       You immediately felt yourself get red, your entire body got hot. "Yes, it is. that's us in the photos," Tom said, seeing your slight state of shock. You nodded with him, trying your best to keep your cool.

        "So you guys are together? As in dating?" The host egged on. You and Tom glanced at each other, "We're just friends," you replied with a kind smile.

       "For now," Tom added, throwing you a small wink. You bit your lip to refrain yourself from smiling and just jokingly rolled your eyes. 

        "So Y/N, what're those things on your neck I see there?"

       You felt your heart drop to your ass, you forgot about the hickeys. They were slowly fading away, but they were still noticeable. Tom leaned over to see what the host was talking about, pretending like he didn't know already.

       He raised his eyebrows in fake confusion, his fingers wiped at your hickeys acting like they were going to come off. The host's expression quickly arose.

       "And Tom? What're those things on your neck?"

          Tom sat back, showing his neck off without embarrassment. He shrugged, stretching his arms and putting his arm behind you (like his arm was almost around you but it was like on the couch idk how to explain it)

         Tom turned to look at you with a fake confused face and a sly smirk, "What about you, Y/N? Do you know?". You knew he was just teasing you, which only made you blush harder as he stared into your eyes.

         You exaggerated your smile, "No, Tom. I don't." You turned to look at the host, both you and Tom shrugged in sync. Rio laughed and then clapped his hands together. "Well everyone, thank you for joining us today for our special guests here. This is goodbye, for now, see you next week everyone!"

        The crowd applauded, and the group got up waving goodbye to the audience as they cheered. Tom being Tom, of course, had his hands on your hips from behind as you walked off stage.




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