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             "What the fuck are you talking about?" Tom replied in an annoyed tone. She looked at him in a 'don't play with me,' face. "Stop acting dumb, Tom."

         He shrugged nonchalantly ,"I don't know what you're talking about." The girl scoffed, he was actually playing dumb.

         "Okay, then. We're done," she spat at him. The boy shrugged, "Thankfully," he chuckled in relief. The girl felt her blood boil at his carelessness. She was going to show him & Ada who the fuck they were messing with.

        The bell rang, indicating that lunch was starting. Bill, Tom and Y/N walked out of the classroom in which Y/N whispered to Bill's ear ,"Come with me for a second." 

         He nodded before turning to Tom, "Go ahead, we'll meet you at the table." Tom's eyes glared at you before he walked away, leaving you and Bill alone.

        "Tell me everything about Ada," you whispered to Bill. "Okay well, I don't know much, just that before Tom, she was dating some guy. There was a rumor that she used Tom to get over her ex."

          Intrigued, you raised your eyebrows. "What else?" you asked. Bill pursed his lips ,"That's all I know," he whispered. You sighed, wishing there was a way you could find out more about Ada.

          "Oh wait!" Bill's eyes lit up. He got closer to your ear ,"I don't know much about her... but I know of someone that does know."

           You stood outside of the classroom, 213, you peeped your head in, scanning the room. The unknown professor turned to you, "May I help you?"

         You gave him a warm smile ,"Yes, sir. I am looking for the student Kaya Milano. It'll be for just a moment," you smiled. The professor nodded, giving Y/N permission.

        A confused girl from the very back stood up, she had dirty blonde hair with striking blue eyes and warm cheeks. You stood outside the door waiting as she walked up to you, you closed the classroom door as she caught up to you.

        "So you're Kaya, right?" You asked, making sure. She nodded with a confused face, "Yes.. and you are?"

         "Y/N. I need you to tell me everything about Ada," you told the girl. The blonde raised her eyebrow ,"And why would I do that?" she crossed her arms.

        You got closer to her ,"Because I know you hate her just as much as I do, and if you want me to make her pay for everything she did to you and me, you'll help me."

        The blonde's lips turned up in a gentle smirk ,"Okay then. What do you want to know?" You smiled at her ,"Everything."

       The girl whistled, "I'll make it quick, okay?" You nodded, letting the girl fill you in.

        "Ada is an only child, she doesn't have a father, he left her when she was around 4. Her mom works at some big firm which is why she's so spoiled by her mommy. Besides that, she fell in love with some guy here at the school, his name is Nico, he's a grade above us. Point is, Ada was totally in love with Nico, head over heels for him," she explained.

           You nodded, the smile slowly growing on your face as you learned more and more about the bitch you hated the most.

           "Well, Nico started to like me. It was weird because I never even talked to him, we were only ever even in the same room if Ada was there. So, Nico started distancing himself from Ada, and tried to get closer to me, which I did NOT entertain. Ada was my best friend, I wasn't going to do that to him, plus I liked some other guy. Long story short, Nico tried to kiss me which I did not accept. Nico got mad and to I guess like, forget about it, he slept with another girl. Ada found out that Nico tried to kiss me and began telling everyone that I stole her boyfriend. I got slut shamed all around the school because of that bitch's fault. Ada was so angry with me that she slept with the guy I liked, and then to forget about everything, she found Tom. She liked Tom a lot, he was basically a distraction but she eventually did begin to like him, and I guess she still does," Kaya unfolded.

           Your jaw dropped more and more with each sentence. You chuckled at be loud of information dropped on you. "Wow, that's a lot.. but that's fucked up of her, you didn't deserve that," you reached out for Kaya's hand.

          She gave you a tiny smile, shrugging. "It's alright. It's died down now, but Ada is weird. When she wants something, she'll do everything to get it."

          You bit your lip, nodding. Kaya raised her eyebrow ,"And you? I told you, now you tell me. Why did you want to know?"

         You straightened up, checking that no one was around before telling the blonde. "Well, I'm dating Tom. Or well, was dating Tom. We've technically been dating for a day but we've had something going on for a while now. But anyway, Ada is in my class, as well as Marie. They always talk shit about me and well, I saw Marie talking to Tom, ever since I saw them talking, Tom has been weird with me. He gave her his sweater today. But I'm going to make that bitch pay," you explained angrily.

         Now it was Kaya's turn for her jaw to drop. She whistled again ,"I'll help you, girl. I'm going to make that bitch pay for everything too."

         You chuckled, nodding. "Now what about that Nico guy? Where can I find him?" Kaya smiled, telling you where you can exactly find Ada's past lover 

          You smiled at her one more time before passing each others numbers and parting your guys' ways. 

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