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           It didn't take long for Tom to go back to the girls that wanted him. He decided that if you were going to give him attitude and completely ignore him, he was going to do him.

       Y/N noticed it immediately. She saw Tom walking with multiple girls between classes. She assumed that he completely gave up on them and went back to his old ways.

       During lunch, she was really pissed. Tom had the nerve to come to the table with the girl that he was walking with the day she transferred there. They sat down together, his arm around her shoulders the way he would have his arm around Y/N.

       Y/N pulled out her notebook that held all of her songs. She flipped a couple of pages to show the group a couple of songs she recently made. "Look, what do you guys think about this?"

        Y/N had improved her songwriting. She wrote the drum notes, guitar chords, and lyrics on completely separate pages, that way it would be easier for them to play with her.

           Everyone except for Tom and the girl reached out for the notebook to read it. The smiles on their faces slowly grew as they read the notebook.

( Petals by Hole

Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts

Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys

Change by Deftones)

          They gasped, the boys were truly always amazed at Y/N's talent of songwriting. "Y/N, this is great! You're going to record these at the studio tomorrow?" Bill questioned.

        "Yes, I am... and also, I have a question for you guys," you smiled excitedly. They leaned forward, waiting for your question. "Do you guys want to go with me and record?" You smiled.

        "Yes, of course!" They replied happily. They loved your music and they also just loved playing their instruments. Tom's eyes stayed on you, he could tell that you were happy about making your music.

         He distracted himself by getting touchy with the girl. His other hand trailed up the girl's knee and up to her thigh. "Tommmm," she whined annoyingly, laughing loudly.

            The three other boys and girl side-eyed Tom and the random girl he was flirting with. She was pretty but the way she was acting was weird. She laughed loudly, slamming her hands on the table making everyone's drinks shake.

          Y/N was on her way to physical education when she saw them again. Tom was leaning against the locker, the girl with curly locks kept talking and talking, Tom kept quiet with a gentle smile on his face.

         Y/N observed them from afar. His eyes would occasionally widen at something she said, letting out some laughs too. Tom and the mysterious girl parted ways after giving themselves a quick hug.

         The girl watching from afar felt her blood boil. If Tom was going to hurt her, she was going to do it better. Y/N had scouted a couple of boys in the past few hours.

           One of them already so happened to be in her gym class, Otto. Otto was just any other horny teenager that she picked, he was more on the reserved side which made him her favorite out of all the boys she scouted.

           Y/N entered the gym, immediately catching Tom's eye. He tried his best to look at her without the girl noticing. Y/N quickly hugged Gustav and gave Bill a friendly kiss on the cheek. Tom felt a ping in his chest.

        He was starting to feel jealous about Y/N's and Bill's friendship. He knew he shouldn't have, Bill is his brother and Bill wouldn't betray Tom like that. That didn't change the way Tom felt, he was jealous about how close Bill & Y/N were.

          Y/N walked past Tom, completely ignoring his existence. Tom's gaze followed Y/N, he felt the ping in his chest only grow stronger seeing that the girl he so dearly wanted, was flirting with Otto.

         He saw how Otto's eyes would occasionally glance at Y/N's cleavage. He took a deep breath, not knowing any other way of letting his anger out. Bill walked up to his twin brother, placing a hand on his shoulder.

          Tom turned to his brother, defeat on his face. Bill's expression contorted into confusion," No." Tom was taken aback, "What do you mean no?"

          "You shouldn't be the one feeling sad, Tom," Bill told his twin brother. Bill knew about what Tom did, but he wasn't going to tell him what exactly it was, he promised Y/N he wouldn't.

          "What're you talking about?" Tom was now getting agitated. "Think about it," Bill said, shrugging before walking away to join Gustav. Tom was now more confused and angry.

         Y/N talked with Otto for the majority of the gym period. He was nice but definitely not her type. Otto wasn't crazy and didn't look like he was dying, he looked put together. Definitely not her type.


         Y/N decided to join Bill, Gustav, and unfortunately Tom for the remaining 10 minutes of the period. She placed a kiss on Otto's cheek, "See you later, Otto," the girl smiled. The boy stood there mesmerized.

         The girl walked up to the guys with a smirk on her face. From the corner of her eye, she saw Tom staring at her as she kissed Otto's cheek. She jumped on Bill's back, making Bill almost fall. He laughed loudly, holding Y/N on his back.

           "Y/N, you're going to kill me one day from scaring me," Bill chuckled out, still startled. The girl rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up, you're so dramatic," she laughed out. Bill carried the girl for a couple more minutes before he playfully threw her on the grass.

         You gasped loudly as you felt yourself hit the grass. Bill & Gustav burst into laughter, the girl got up, immediately going for Bill. She chased Bill around, wanting to get her revenge. "Run, Bill, Run!" Gustav yelled as the girl almost reached the boy with black hair.

           Tom watched with jealousy running through his body. He walked away completely, he did not want to watch you be so close to his brother. 

         After gym, Bill invited you to his house that evening. Y/N did not want to let Tom ruin her social life or friendship with Bill, so she accepted. At about 6 pm, Y/N was already on her way to the Kaulitz's house.

         Georg opened the door for Y/N, she gasped giving him a hug. She wasn't expecting Georg or Gustav to be there but she didn't mind at all, they were her friends.

           Tom was sitting on the couch with a different girl. This girl was blonde with straight hair and brown eyes, her boobs were about to burst out of her shirt. Y/N eyed her up & down, the girl was kinda hot.

         Bill came running from his room, engulfing Y/N in a hug. "Slayyy," Y/N squealed as she hugged Bill. Bill leaned over to Y/N's ear during the hug, "I'm sorry about Tom, I didn't know he was going to bring her," he whispered feeling sorry.

         You shook your head, "It's okay, I promise. Don't even worry about it, okay? I'm here to have fun with you guys," the girl reassured the worried boy.

        Gustav and Georg pulled out a deck of UNO, slamming it on the table. "So are we gonna play or what," Gustav said, trying to act tough. The group laughed in sync then sat down to play a long game of UNO.

            Tom side-eyed from the couch as he was busy with the girl. The blonde girl's hands were all over his shoulders and chest, her right hand trailed down his body to his thighs. He chuckled nervously, moving his legs away from the girl.

          Y/N smirked as her marvelous plan was set in her head. I can play that game too, Tom Kaulitz.




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