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She attached herself to Bill's back, piggyback style. He gasped at the sudden contact but relaxed once he realized it was Y/N that was clinging onto him. "Play along," she discreetly whispered into his ear. His arms held onto her thighs, giving them a light squeeze as a way of saying 'of course!'

Bill swam around with the girl on his back. She would rest her chin on the boys shoulder, occasionally pressing a light kiss on his shoulder blade. Tom slowly went insane as he watched the girl with his twin brother.

The rest of the night consisted of Y/N taunting Tom's jealousy by being touchy with the boys. She continued to playing around with them, constantly feeling the burning gaze of Tom.

She decided to take it a step further. She leaned her back against the cold stone of the pool, she motioned for Bill to come. He swam over, her eyes flickered toward Tom who was already looking at them. Bill bit his lip, stopping himself from giggling.

The dark haired approached her, a small smile on his lips. His hair was wet, dripping with water as it sat on his face. She gently moved some strands away from his eyes, gently caressing his cheek with her finger. "You're really handsome, Bill," she flirted.

Bill managed to blush as the girls finger gently swiped his running eye makeup that was slightly smudged. Although they were only playing, he couldn't help but feel a bit dazed by the girl. She was incredibly beautiful after all. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself," he whispered, his face inching closer to hers.

       Their noses were barely touching, small smiles on their mouths and their heads high

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Their noses were barely touching, small smiles on their mouths and their heads high. They felt drunk off of the pure mischief they've been coughing Tom for the past hour. Y/N's finger placed itself under Bill's chin, lifting his face to align itself perfectly with hers.

She could feel him breathing against her face, he smelled of peppermint. Right as their lips were about to touch, Bill was harshly submerged underwater. Tom dragged his twin under the water, snatching him away from Y/N. The girl and the rest of the boys bursted out into a fit of laughter.

She laughed harder once the twins arose. Tom heaved for air before again, pushing Bill underwater. They wrestled for a couple of minutes, constantly coming up to breathe then tackling one another again.

"Okay, Okay! Enough, enough!" Y/N managed to say inbetween breaths, pulling them apart. Tom's eyes burned into the side of her skull as he finally heaved, watching Y/N pull Bill into a hug. Bill laughed too once he finally had enough air in his lungs. "Keep your hands off of her, she's my girlfriend," he muttered, still slightly breathless.

Bill raised his eyebrow, raising his head again. Bill's arm wrapped around the girls waist, "Oh, is she, though?" He teased. Bill tilted his face toward the girl again, their lips incredibly close. Their lips were only centimeters away from meeting when Y/N was pulled away.

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