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          After about two hours of being at the mall together, Tom bought you everything.

       You begged him not to, in which he would immediately shut down your attempts to stop him. So far he has bought you a denim mini skirt, black lowrise flared jeans, low-rise green cargo pants, a red tank top with lace straps, some halter tops, matching sets, and some sunglasses.

        You truly felt bad for the amount of money he was spending, but he seemed happy. He reassured you every single time that it was okay, he wanted to pay.

      The group had finally reunited in the mall food court, Tom and You decided to share some pasta while Gustav & Georg got pizza, and Bill got cold pasta salad.

       Tom sat close to you to be able to reach the shared plate of food, but even if you weren't sharing anything, he was going to sit close to you either way.

          "Damn Y/N, you have a lot of bags," Gustav chuckled. Georg nodded,"I thought you bought the whole mall."

         "I would, but she won't let me," Tom chipped in, smirking. You chuckled nervously, you didn't want to use Tom for his money, you didn't want him to feel like it either.

         Tom rubbed your back, "Relax okay? It comes from my heart," he smiled. You nodded understandingly, flashing him a small smile. Tom kissed the top of your head, leaving his arm around your shoulders, heat radiating off his body onto you.

          You liked being like this. You were surrounded by people that truly supported you, they were kind, they were funny, they were adventurous.

          You also just liked being in Tom's arms. It was just something about his body covering you that made you weak to your knees. It was the way that you were so close that you could feel his breath on you, you felt the heat coming off of his body, and his scent surrounded you.

         You all stuffed your faces with the food til every bit of food on the table was gone. You guys sat back, sighing, you were so full.

        "So... what's for dessert," Gustav smiled. We all laughed, we were so full but everyone definitely had space for some ice cream. Thankfully there was a cold stone creamery right next to the food court.

        You settled on (favorite ice cream flavor) with a waffle cone, and Tom had settled on cookies n cremé with a waffle cone. Bill got butter pecan while Gustav got coffee flavored and Georg some mint chocolate chip.

          You all walked happily back to the car, enjoying your ice cream.

        "My mom lets me eat that," Tom said smiling as he eyed your ice cream. You rolled your eyes, bringing your ice cream up to his lips where he took a fat lick off it.

       He hummed in delight then put his ice cream up to your lips where you tried it as well. You also hummed in delight, this ice cream truly was delicious.

         Tom was the first one to finish his ice cream, he finished it not even halfway to the car. He gave you doe eyes which you gave in to, you shared your ice cream with him.

         You two passed each other the ice cream which was gone very quickly due to Tom also almost completely devouring your ice cream.

         Your eyes would stay locked on his mouth as he ate the ice cream. You watched as he licked it up, you wondered how he would look licking your pu-

        "Y/N?" Tom stared at you, you had spaced off. You shook your head, taking the ice cream from his hands. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

          He smirked, "Oh yeah? What about?" his eyebrow was raised with that smug look on his face. He knew exactly what you were thinking.

                                  —- A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER—- 

       You were now home alone, everyone had gone home. You were just watching some TV when you got a call from Bill.

        "Hellooo," you sang.

     "Y/N, turn on What's Up Today like ASAP," Bill said, he sounded shocked but also a bit excited. You grabbed the remote , clicking on channel 16.

       "Welcome back to What's Up Today! It's me, your host, Ginny, back with some more hot gossip! I am here to excitedly announce that Y/N L/N and Tokio Hotel will be joining us this Saturday! We know you all have been dying for a piece of them, so we took matters into our own hands! Now onto our next bit of gossip today, shocking photos of our lovely Y/N with Tom Kaulitz?!" The woman stated, almost shocked.

       The screen cut to photos of Tom and you at the mall. Paparazzi had somehow found out you guys were at the mall together, they had taken photos of you two with Tom's arm wrapped around you. Photos of you sharing the pasta and even sharing the ice cream.

      The screen showed multiple photos of Tom's arm wrapped around you, you putting the ice cream up to his lips, and even the tiny moment when Tom kissed the top of your head.

        How did you all not notice the paparazzi? You would think that it would be noticeable, but apparently not.

       "No way.." you breathed out, Bill chuckled on the other side of the phone.

      "Yeah.. they're definitely going to interrogate you two about it," Bill spilled. You sucked your lips in, you didn't know how you were going to answer these questions.

     A beeping sound came from your phone , it was Tom calling. You let out a tiny gasp, you let Bill go telling him Tom was calling.






                    - loveee, eviee

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