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         "What's this?" Tom asked, wanting to know what was scribbled out. "No questions!" Bill retorted, fixing his hair. "Two minutes!" The stage manager yelled.

       The five teenagers ran behind the curtain. Bill cleared his throat, wiggling his arms. "What're you doing?" Y/N laughed. "It gets the stage fright away, try it!"

       Y/N complied, wiggling her arms as well. She stopped her movements in amazement when she heard the screams of those sitting in the arena. "WIR WOLLEN TOKIO HOTEL, WIR WOLLEN Y/N L/N, WIR WOLLEN TOKIO HOTEL, WIR WOLLEN Y/N L/N," (we want tokio hotel, we want Y/N L/N) the fans screamed.

        Bill laughed, clapping his hands and patting your shoulder. The lights shined brightly, with a quick 'go!', the stage manager let them know, it was finally time.

       The teenagers ran on stage, the screams were wild. Y/N's adrenaline was through the roof at the sight of everyone. Her eyes scanned the stadium, all of those once empty seats were now completely filled. Every single one of them.

          The girls screamed and clawed at the bars that restrained them from jumping on stage. People held huge signs that read 'I ❤️ Y/N L/N' and 'TOKIO HOTEL 4 LIFE'. "How's it going, Berlin!" Bill shouted into the mic.

        The screams were insane. The teens got in their places, Y/N didn't feel like it was real. She was on stage with Tokio Hotel in front of 40,000 people. She smiled at the people with their faces painted with sweet sayings that complimented them.

       "Are you ready, Berlin!" Bill exclaimed. Everyone screamed, the bars shook heavily as the girls tried to break through to even touch the stage. You checked your guitar, making sure it was plugged in.

        "You ready, love?!" Tom shouted from the other side. You nodded with a smile, Gustav immediately began playing a song you knew all too well. Leb Die Sekunde.

         You shook your head up and down as you played. The ground trembled as the audience jumped up and down, the vibrations from the music made everything shake as well.

       Magazines and the press say that concert had to be Tokio Hotel's wildest concert. It had to be the concert with the most amount people, and best enthusiasm. Y/N's guitar playing was unmatched, she was perfect.

         You guys were now on your second to last song. You guys had been playing nearing a solid hour. Everyone was sweaty, but the adrenaline didn't have anyone tired. The screams from those in the audience and the pure sound of the music had everyone feeling alive.

        Y/N put her guitar down for this song, Wo Sind Eure Hände. 

         This song only required two guitars, Bill and the group had organizers that Y/N would sing with Bill.

         "Today, I will be getting some help of my lovely friend. We're all aware that this song is only me singing, but we will be changing that today!" Bill smiled. The crowd went ballistic when they realized Y/N would also be singing.

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