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        It had been two days since that last happened, you were afraid that things would become awkward between the two of you but it was the complete opposite.

       Tom was becoming more protective of you, he never let his arm leave your shoulders and barely let you pay for anything. Bill had become suspicious of it since neither you nor Tom had told him anything about what happened that night.

         You were in the limo with Bill, Tom, Georg, and Gustav. You had settled on some green cargos with a brown belt and a cropped white tank top that showed off your belly ring. You were told by the guys to go bare-faced since they would do your makeup and hair at the studio either way.

         "Are you nervous, Y/N?" Georg asked. "Yeah, kind of. I've never done this before, obviously."

      "There's nothing to be nervous about, Y/N. Just relax and be yourself, I'm sure they'll love you," Bill reassured you.

       You guys finally arrived at the studio, paparazzi and fans waiting outside for you guys. Unfortunately, the entrance was far from the drop-off, meaning you had to walk a bit to reach it, meaning more time for the paparazzi to snap some photos.

        "Okay let's head out!" Gustav exclaimed before jumping on the ground, the guys came out with ease while you on the other hand didn't so much.

          The limo was tall, making it harder for you to get down. Tom held your hand, helping you out of the car. The fans screamed at the sight of you guys. 

        "Bill!! Bill!! Oh my gosh, I love you so much, please sign this!!" Bill being the kind person he is, went over to sign the person's shirt. Fans pushed against the railings, reaching their hands out trying to touch them.

        "Tom, you're so sexy!!" One girl screamed. The guys snorted at the comment which also made you laugh.

      "Y/N!! you're so gorgeous!" One girl yelled. You smiled hard, making a heart with your hands (🫶) before yelling back "Thank you so much!!"

      A guy that looked to be a year older than you was yelling, "Y/N!! Please, I need your autograph!!" You stood there hesitating, someone wanted your autograph?

       Bill and Georg motioned to you to go over, you listened and went over. The guy handed you his marker and lifted up his shirt, "Please sign my chest!"

       You stood there a bit awkwardly, you were so caught off guard that you did it without thinking. "Thank you Y/N!! Thank you, oh my gosh!!"

      You quickly left, joining the group again. The guys laughed at the ridiculous 'item' you had to sign. Tom stood there, his eyebrows furrowed a little. "Lighten up, hun. He's not you," you nudged him.

       He broke character and held you close to him as you guys walked towards the studio. You guys were welcomed by a kind Asian woman that directed you to your makeup and hair rooms.

        You were brought to your room, a tallish middle eastern man stood there in the room, taking out all of his makeup supplies. He excitedly greeted you and explained the process of makeup and hair.

        Once he was done doing a quick explanation, you were about to sit down when you noticed your name on the chair. You took out BlackBerry and snapped a photo before posting it on Instagram. (I know Instagram didn't exist yet but just deal with me🙄)

 (I know Instagram didn't exist yet but just deal with me🙄)

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       You made a conversation with the man, turned out his name was Ahmed. Ahmed suggested a gentle look, saying you were already beautiful.

       Ahmed ended up putting some eyeliner on, some highlight on the inner corners, singular lashes on the ends for a cat eye look, blush, and some lip liner that matches your natural lip color.

      He straightened your hair and curved the ends in. For some edge, he added some mini braids into your hair. You totally loved the look.

        A knock came on the door, and an unfamiliar voice came from behind it, "Y/N, your party is now ready. We will be on in 7 minutes!"

       Ahmed sprayed you with some setting spray before giving you a quick hug, sending you off with everyone else. Some of the producers quickly put your mic on, we were on in 3 minutes.

        "You ready?" Bill asked excitedly, he always liked going to interviews. You nodded, and although you were a bit nervous, you knew you would be okay.

        The lights dimmed and the spotlight was now on the male host sitting on the couch.

    Everyone cheered as the camera did a close-up on the host, "Hello What's Up Today! It is me, your host, Rio Marcos, filling you in with today's gossip! Here today on our show we have some very special guests, everyone welcome Tokio Hotel and Y/N L/N!!" The man exclaimed excitedly.

         Tom held you by your hips as you guys walked on stage, the audience cheered at your appearance. The guys gave the host a fist pump and you went in for a side hug.




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