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    It was now third period, Algebra 2. I hated math, it wasn't for me. To my luck, I also was sitting next to Tom. Somehow in all of my classes with him, I either sat next to him, behind him or in front of him.

       I put my head down to sleep, all of this math was making my head hurt. I shivered as the cold air of the A/C hit my skin, the teacher refused to turn it off. Why didn't I bring a sweater?

     I kept shivering as I tried to sleep. Out of nowhere I felt warm, fuzzy cotton hugged my skin, protecting me from the cold air. I looked a bit to the side to see Tom. He had put his sweater on me. He refused to look at me. I smiled, "thanks handsome." I flirted with him a bit, why not?

     I saw a tiny smile tug at his lips before he cleared his throat, "Don't get ahead of yourself. Your shivering annoyed me so I just wanted you to stop." I jokingly rolled my eyes at him, "yeah right." I pulled his sweater closer onto me, it smelled just like him.

    I was woken up by a kick in the shin. I groaned in pain, of course it was Tom. I grabbed my bag and held his sweater on my arm. "You should put that on," he muttered, his eyes trailing my exposed skin again. "Yeah? I thought you liked it," I edged.

     He came closer to my ear and said quietly enough for only me to hear, "I do, but only for me to see." He grabbed his bag but not before leaving a tiny kiss next to my ear. I felt my cheeks heat up, all air leaving my lungs.

        "C'mon , everyone is waiting for us," he smiled innocently.

       I trailed behind him, still thinking about his soft lips on mine. I began to feel this weird churn in my stomach, almost like.. butterflies. To make things worse, Tom had grabbed my arm, pulling me closer to him.

       He got real close to my ear like he had moments before, "I think you're showing a bit too much skin. I advise you to put the sweater on." I could feel his lips on my ear as he spoke.

        "You're not the boss of me, it's my body," I gave him doe eyes. As much as I love what he said, I wanted to get him jealous.

         Maybe he doesn't even like me, maybe he just likes my body, but I need to have a piece of him. I grabbed his sweater and handed it to him.

           This time I got real close to his ear , "So no thanks. I don't need it." I kissed his cheek before walking away now going towards our friends.

           I plopped myself directly next to Bill and Georg. Georg and I had also become close. He was super silly and loved to pull pranks on everyone. I stole some of Georg's chips and some of Bill's chicken.

         It took Tom a couple minutes to finally come join us at our table. "Helloo," he sighed out and he sat in front of us. My eyes widened as he turned his face to see my lipstick on his cheek.

         Bill's eyes widened a bit at the sight of the kiss mark. He kicked Tom under the table, "Woww, Tom. Who was the lucky girl?" Bill laughed as he ate.

     Tom's cheeks turned light pink and laughed it off as he wiped his cheek. His eyes flickered at me for a second, I felt that thing again in my stomach. 

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