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       The group paid for their meal, Tom had convinced the girl to let her pay for him. Even if the girl were to say no, Tom was going to pay for her meal anyway.

       They reached the hotel after a 20 minute drive. Tom's arm refused to leave Y/N. The bulge in his pants did not budge from the second Y/N's hand made contact with it.

       It didn't help either that Y/N's skirt slightly hiked up when climbing into the car. Tom caught a glimpse of Y/N's lacy red panty. His mind grew wild, was she wearing a matching set?

       The group hopped out of the car, Tom helped Y/N out as he didn't want her flashing anybody. They tiredly walked inside of the lobby, heading toward the elevators.

      Bill raced Gustav to the elevators, waiting to see who would press the button first. Gustav slightly tripped on the carpet, making Bill win and push the button first.

      "Yes! Yes!" Bill yelled, throwing his hands up in victory. "Fuck! That's not fair!" Gustav huffed angrily, upset that he lost. Bill flipped the boy off, sticking his tongue out to mock him.

       Y/N laughed at them, they were such kids. The girl tugged on Tom's arm, making him bend down enough for her mouth to meet his ear. "Come with me to my room," she mumbled.

      He nodded, his ears burning red. Georg stared as the girl whispered into Tom's ear. The girls hand held Tom's arm, pulling him into the elevator as it opened.

        Georg stared at the two in the elevator. There was obvious sexual tension between the couple. Georg's chest felt heavy as he watched the girl lead Tom toward her room.

       He watched them from afar, the girl unlocked the door. With a smile on Tom's face, he winked at Georg before entering the room, locking it behind him.

       Y/N's hand immediately reached out for Tom's face, pulling his lips towards hers. They kissed passionately, they stumbled toward the bed, refusing to break the kiss.

      Tom's hands wrapped around your waist, immediately playing with the hem of your top. He swiftly pulled it off, his eyes were pleased at the sight.

      He was right. Your red lacy bra stood out against the color of your skin. Your hands reached out as well, Pulling his shirt and cap off. You pushed him down on the bed, making him lay down.

      His eyes stayed locked on you as you slowly pulled your tiny denim skirt off. It had been teasing him all day. Ever since he got a glimpse of your red panties, he had been wanting to rip them off of you.

      His breath hitched as you straddled him, he groaned at the separation of your panties and his jeans. He bucked his hips up, desperate for some friction.

      You slightly lifted yourself off, not letting him be satisfied just yet. "You're not being good for me," you whispered. He sighed, throwing his head back. Your hand reached out, grabbing his chin to make him look at you. "I was talking to you," you sternly said.

      Tom's eyes slightly widened. He had never seen you act dominant before... and he had never seen himself be so submissive before. He nodded, he hit his lip, looking deep into her eyes, "I'm sorry." The girl smirked at his apology, she knew deep down that no other girl would make him like this.

       She lifted herself completely off of him to pull his pants down. She smiled at the sight of his large bulge in his calvin klein boxers. Tom let out a whine when the girl straddled him again, pushing her heat down on his erection.

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