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         Y/N walked out to the table, Tom was sitting on the opposite side of the table, not in his usual seat which was next to her. She decided to not jump to conclusions since it clearly did not work out last time.

        "Hi guys," she smiled as she sat down in her usual seat. Tom mumbled a 'hi', clearly thinking about something else. Bill was the last to arrive, "Hey bitches, sorry I'm late. I took another three minutes finishing my quiz," he explained, out of breath.

         Bill's eyebrow raised at the strange sight of Tom not sitting next to Y/N, he hesitantly sat next to Y/N seeing that Tom took his spot. The only girl at the table ate her food quietly, thinking about what the conversation between Tom & Marie could've been.

        Your pondering was interrupted by Bill yelling at Tom. "Tom.. Tom! TOM!" Bill finally yelled, snapping Tom out of his trance. "Huh," Tom asked, clearly confused.

        "You're not going to eat?" Gustav questioned him. It was strange that Tom wasn't eating, he can always eat and always was eating. Tom shook his head, "I- I actually have to go somewhere but uh, see you guys later," Tom got up and rushed back into the building.

         The group sat in silence, dumbfounded at Tom's behavior. "He's acting weird.." Georg mumbled. "Did something happen?" they all turned to look at you when they asked.

         "I don't think so. He hasn't said anything to me," You shrugged your shoulders, wondering the same exact thing. The topic of Tom quickly steered away as Georg started talking about a video game.

          You leaned over to Bill's ear ,"I saw Tom talking to someone," you whispered. He looked at you with a "girl bffr" face ,"I'm sure it's nothing," he whispered back, trying to reassure you.

       "It was Marie."

       His head snapped back at you , his eyes widened. "Marie.. As in... Ada's friend, Marie?" He whispered. You nodded your head, "Yes! She was telling him something about letting her know if he considers it."

         Bill's eyebrows were furrowed, he tried thinking if Tom had mentioned anything to him about Marie or Ada. "That's so weird... He doesn't talk to her at all, he doesn't even like her," Bill whispered to you.

        You shrugged your shoulders. "I'll try to figure out something from Tom, okay?" Bill whispered. You nodded, giving him a small hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek, "Thank you so much, Bill". He chuckled, squeezing you in the hug, "You're one of my best friends, of course. Don't worry." You smiled at him again, You and Bill were truly such good friends, you wouldn't give up your guys' friendship up for anything. 

                                                  AFTER SCHOOL

         The group did their usual routine. They met up outside of the school and all walked home together. Usually it consisted of joking, laughing, and kissing between Tom & Y/N. This time, Tom seemed distant from Y/N.

        "Are you okay?" The girl shyly asked Tom. He gave her a small smile before nodding, "Yes, don't worry."

          The dread headed boy seemed to be very bland with the girl. It lasted until they arrived at the spot where Y/N would depart from the group. Y/N gave Bill a hug in which he squeezed her, knowing she was very concerned.

        Tom gave her a solid hug, he kissed her cheek. "Bye, Tommy," he gave her a small smile before turning back to the group.

       Y/N sighed as she entered her home. Was she overreacting? 

                                               AT THE KAULITZ RESIDENCE

          Bill refrained himself from saying anything to Tom until they got home. Bill put his bag down, Tom threw his bag on the ground and jumped on the couch, immediately trying to fall asleep.

         Bill grabbed a couch pillow and threw it at Tom. "Tell me," Bill demanded. Tom groaned as the pillow repeatedly hit his face. "Tell you what?"

          "Why are you being weird? You've been weird since lunch," Bill interrogated Tom. Tom pursed his lips before shaking his head, "No, nothing."

         Bill tilted his head. Tom's demeanor didn't change, he wasn't going to tell Bill anything. Bill sighed, he knew his brother wasn't going to fess up just yet.

         Bill sighed ,"Whatever. Just tell me when you're ready to finally speak up," he huffed, annoyed at his brother's bipolar behavior.

             Bill walked away going into his room, leaving Tom on the couch. Tom's phone buzzed as he received a notification, he groggily opened his phone. He sat up immediately seeing the contact information of the person who messaged him.

 Ada:       Hey 

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