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           The group drove back to the twins' home. The group wouldn't shut up about how great you sounded. Bill was the most excited ,"Oh my gosh! We have to celebrate when your singles drop!"

        You laughed at his excitement, he was more excited than you were. Tom's lips met your ear ,"You & I are also gonna have to celebrate," he winked.

        "Oh yeah? How?" You smirked at him. He slyly shrugged ,"You're just going to have to wait, my love," he teased before placing a kiss onto your nose.

         The teens arrived at the twins' house, tired from the hours of playing. Georg and Gustav gave Y/N a hug, congratulating her again. "You did amazing, Y/N. We're proud of you," Gustav added. You smiled, giving him another hug.

        Gustav has always been so sweet to everybody, he truly was one of the kindest people you had ever met. After saying their goodbyes, they finally departed from the twins and the girl.

         You turned to see Tom whispering something into Bill's ear. Bill smiled before nodding, giving Tom a hug. You chuckled ,"What's got you guys so kind to each other." Bill shook his head ,"No, nothing. I'm going inside, I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N!"

        You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, before you could ask anything, Tom grabbed your hand. "We're going somewhere." He led you to the car, and opened the door for you.

         "Where are we going?" You questioned as he hopped into the driver's seat. "Just wait," he smiled.

       The drive on the way was silent, the only noise coming from the radio. The windows were down, letting fresh air flow through Y/N's hair. She stuck her arm out, laying her head on her arm.

         The wind blew all over Y/N, she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of the fresh wind on her skin. Tom would occasionally turn to look at the girl, she looked so beautiful.

         A familiar tune strummed from the radio. The girl gasped, immediately twisting the tiny knob, turning the volume up. She immediately started moving her arms in the air before breaking out into singing.

          "CAUSE I'M JUST A TEENAGE DIRTBAG BABY!" She yelled. Tom laughed, turning the volume up even higher, he loved watching her enjoy life.

          "YEAH, I'M JUST A TEENAGE DIRTBAG, BABY!" The pair sang loudly. Pedestrians on the sidewalks smiled as they watched the pair vroom past the streets with their blasting music.

         The pair laughed as the song finished. Tom stopped at the red light, they stared into each other's eyes with smiles plastered on both of their faces. Their eyes told stories no folklore story had ever said.

          They moved in slowly, their faces getting closer to each other. They could feel each other's breath on their faces, their noses grazed against the others. Right as their lips were about to connect, a car honked.

         They quickly separated, the light turned green. They laughed before going back to their positions, Y/N's head sticking out of the window and Tom driving. They were now driving up a mountain.

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