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           The game of UNO ended with Gustav slamming down his last card while yelling UNO at the top of his lungs. He ran around, jumping up and down as he celebrated his victory.

            The group groaned loudly as it was Gustav's FOURTH time winning. Bill threw his remaining cards in defeat,"I don't wanna play anymore, this isn't fair." The girl laughed at Bill's serious competitiveness.

             The girl felt it was the right time, she walked towards Tom and the blonde girl.

          Y/N sat quite near them, with a sigh she sat down harder than usual to get their attention. The blonde girl turned to Y/N's harsh way of sitting. "Oh, I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to do that," Y/N said smiling and reaching out to touch the girl's hand.

      The blonde girl's cheeks immediately turned a shade of pink. She giggled quietly,"It's okay," she replied, eyeing Y/N up & down with her doe eyes. Y/N smirked,"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name, what was it?"

         The blonde girl's body was now turned toward Y/N, "I'm Lena," the girl smiled cutely. "What's your name?" Lena asked, now very interested.

         "Hi Lena, I'm Y/N," she flirted. Y/N could feel the scorch of Tom's glare. Lena moved closer to Y/N, leaving Tom alone.

        Y/N continued the flirtatious conversation between her and the blonde girl. Lena's interest had completely switched from Tom to Y/N.

        Y/N found out that Lena goes to their school, and is actually in a grade above the group. The girl was sweet, she had some spark in her eyes that could make anyone feel warm.

          "So Lena, what're you doing after this?" Y/N pushed farther. The blonde girls face immediately turned, "Fuck, what time is it?" She frantically looked for a clock.


         The blonde girl sighed, standing up quickly. "I have to get home now, I was supposed to be home two minutes ago," she blushed, pushing her hair behind her ears.

          Y/N got up ," I'll walk you out, my love," she continued. Lena chuckled, she avoided eye contact but the lingering shade of pink on her cheeks and ears said everything she couldn't.

       Y/N walked Lena to the door, opened it for her, and stepped aside to let the blonde girl pass through. "Bye, John! or.. Von! or.. whatever your name is.." the blonde girl whispered the last part, clearly not remembering the dread head's name.

        Lena now turned to the taller girl holding the door open for her ,"B-bye Y/N," she smiled sweetly. Y/N hugged her, pressing a kiss on the corner of her lips.

         "Bye baby, see you tomorrow, right?" Y/N smirked with a glint in her eyes. Lena chuckled, nodding eagerly before going her merry way home.

Y/N smiled to herself as she closed the door, it worked.

         She walked back towards the kitchen to see everyone's faces except Tom's in pure amusement. Their eyes were slightly open and their jaws are loose. Y/N chuckled before sitting down on the island, grabbing one of Georg's chips.

        "What," she shrugged, popping the chip into her mouth. The guys' mouths slowly turned into a smile before laughing,"Damn, Y/N, I definitely did NOT think you had a single gay bone in your body," Bill breathed out.

        The girl laughed ,"It shows you truly don't know me, Bill." Their jaws dropped. "Wait, Y/N... have you like... had a girlfriend before?"

        You nodded, "Yeahh, it was like maybe like a year or two ago. Her name is Evie Zamora, she's hot." (YES I'M TALKING ABOUT EVIE ZAMORA FROM THE MOVIE THIRTEEN)

         The guys were in pure disbelief. They had no idea that you, Y/N L/N, were also into women. You shrugged, you didn't think it was that hard to believe, you thought everyone had some sort of idea that you did.

           The conversation then switched to something completely unrelated while Tom sat in anger. His eyes were on the TV but he wasn't really watching it. He was angry. He was angry that first, you pushed him away. Second, you refused to talk to him. Third, You started getting touchy with other men. Fourth, you stole the girl he was with. 

         Bill's head immediately lifted up ,"Oh, Y/N! I just remembered, I finally got the answers for math, they're in my room though." Y/N hummed in excitement, "Ugh finally, I really need that extra credit." Bill chuckled, "Yeah, I saw your grades, you definitely do."

         Y/N rolled her eyes as she followed Bill into his room. She sat down on his bed as he took the pager out of math work from his backpack. Y/N admired his room.

          His room was dark yet cozy. The room was full of dark shades of purple, blue, and black. Y/N began copying down the answers onto a blank sheet of paper.

       Y/N was done in about 5 minutes, Bill laid face down waiting for the girl to finish. The girl shoved the paper in her back pocket before waking Bill up.

         She nudged him, causing him to wake up with a jolt. She laughed quietly at the fright on his face, he opened his mouth to say something but she shushed him. "Wanna pull a prank on them?" Y/N smirked.

         He nodded eagerly. Y/N whispered into his ear, his hands flew to his mouth trying not to laugh then proceeding with the plan. They both stood up on the bed before jumping, making the creak.

        "Ugh! Bill! Fuck!" Y/N moaned loudly. Bill snorted, trying to keep serious. "Y-Y/N! S-shit!" Bill moaned loudly too.

        Y/N's hand smacked the wall to mimic the bed hitting against the wall. They both moaned and groaned loudly before the door slammed open, creating a hole in the wall.

       "What the fuck!" Tom yelled as he stormed in. 



a/n: hope yall enjoy thisss

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