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        Y/N's alarm blared, waking her up with a jolt. She groaned, turning over to shut the alarm off. The clock read 6:00 am. She sighed, rubbing her eyes. She turned to her side to see a sleeping Tom.

         She smiled, his arm was wrapped around her and his dreads were sprawled out on the pillow. She looked at him for a moment and observed his features.

       She raised her hand, gently grazing his face. Her fingertips touched his soft lips, tracing them. She grazed his eyebrows, nose and eyelids. He was so pretty sleeping.

       Her hand gently caressed his cheek, waiting for him to wake up. Tom's eyes fluttered open, slightly startled from your touch. You chuckled at his sleepiness. You got up, grabbing some clothes from your suitcase.

       "Where are you going?" Tom groaned as the girl got away from him. "Shower, silly. Today we go to Hamburg, remember?" the girl reminded the dread headed boy.

        He sighed, rubbing his eyes. The girl went over to place a kiss on his forehead. "Go get your clothes while I shower," the girl told him. He nodded, sitting up and putting the clothes on from the night before.

          "I'll be back," the boy sighed, heading out of the bedroom. Y/N nodded then hopped into the shower. She washed her body and hair quickly, not wanting to take too long. She hopped out of the shower, drying herself and putting a matching black set.

       "Fuck," she whispered when she noticed she forgot her clothes in the room. She exited the bathroom, she was thankful that the bathroom was connected to the room. She took the towel off, leaving her in her undergarments.

       She grabbed her bottle of scented lotion when Tom knocked on the door. "It's open!" she shouted, since her back was facing the door, she was too lazy to even go open. The door opened, Tom entered the room.

       The footsteps stopped a couple feet away from Y/N. The girl, confused as to why Tom abruptly stopped, turned around. She screamed, immediately pulling the towel to cover her. Georg stood there with his eyes wide and jaw on the ground.

       "S-sorry!" he shouted, he turned around to exit, only to bump into Tom. Tom entered the room with his clothes, only to bump into a frantic Georg. They both stumbled, Tom immediately saw Y/N.

       Her face was red and panicked, her hands tightly wrapping the towel around herself. Georg's eyes were wide and his pants were tight. Tom felt his blood boil.

      "What the fuck!" Tom shouted, throwing his clothes on the bed and immediately shoving Georg. Georg stumbled back, putting his hands up in protest, "It was an accident- I didn't know!"

       Tom shoved him repeatedly out the door, yelling at him. You immediately intervened, although you were slightly upset, it was an accident. You thought it was Tom and told him to enter. "Tom! It was an accident!" you pulled Tom.

       Tom stopped shoving him, and turned to look at you. The sincere look on your face proved you were telling the truth, Georg's frightened face confirmed it as well. Tom let go of him completely, huffing. He walked past him, his shoulder hitting Georg's before re-entering the room.

        Georg's eyes were wide, his skin was cold but his cheeks were red. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he apologized. Although he nearly just got beaten by Tom, he still couldn't get the image of the girls naked body out of his mind.

      "It's okay.." she breathed out before going back into the room, closing the door behind her. Tom rubbed his temples with his fingers, his eyes were shut as he thought deeply. "Tom, it was an accident," you breathed out.

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