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          Bill and Y/N kept dancing for another 20 minutes before they got tired and sat down. Y/N headed back to the kitchen to grab another drink.

        There she saw Tom with Ada. His hands were on her tiny ass, gripping basically nothing. Y/N chuckled to herself, getting second-hand embarrassment.

         Y/N felt a pair of hands grab her waist, she turned to see Nico smiling down at her. Nico poured her the drink, watching as she gulped it down.

         "Having fun, angel?" he asked her, his hands slowly trailing down to her ass. Y/N would've normally slapped his hand, but knowing Tom was right there, she let Nico's hand give her ass a gentle squeeze.

         She nodded, giving him a quick wink. The girl moved her hair to one side, leaving the side closest to Nico, completely exposed. He leaned down, pressing gentle kisses on her neck.

        She grabbed the joint from between his fingers, throwing her head back as she smoked from the joint as Nico kissed her neck. Her head tilted slightly toward Tom's direction, they made eye contact.

        Tom hated the sight. Y/N standing there with her head back, letting Nico kiss her neck as she inhaled the smoke from the joint. He hated the fact that she looked good doing it. Y/N smirked at their eye contact before sending him a wink. Fuck you, Tom.

        Your hand went up to Nico's cheek, pulling his face close to yours. You smiled at him, your noses touching. You leaned in, connecting your lips as he desperately kissed you. You opened your eyes, your gaze locking with Ada's as you kissed him. You winked at her before closing your eyes again, giving into Nico's lust.

          You pulled away first from the kiss, looking into Nico's eyes. His eyes pleaded for more, aw cute. You grabbed your cup before walking away to join Bill again, leaving Nico standing in a trance and leaving Tom with fury.

         Y/N found her way back to the dance floor, she danced for a while until she saw a girl dancing by herself too. She made her way to her, dancing with her. The two girls grinded on each other, their hands roaming each others bodies.

        The girl was beautiful

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        The girl was beautiful. She had pin straight brown hair with tan skin and blue eyes, and gray eyeshadow. "I'm Adriana!" the girl yelled over the music. You smirked at her, "I'm Y/N!"

         She smiled back before grinding herself on you. Tom watched you from after with a small smile on his face, he knew you were always adventurous and down to meet new people.

        You got tired after a couple more songs, wanting something to drink. "Come with me for a drink," you yelled, eyeing Adriana up & down. She blushed as you grabbed her hand, holding her close to you as you both found the liquor.

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