long before we both thought the same thing

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Hi, I'm not really into one direction anymore as I was before, but I still read these fics because although I'm not into the fandom as much as I was before. The books themselves, are still hella good.
Anyway, I actually ended up finding fics that I forgot to add because I forgot the names.
I was obsessed with so these so imma add them now because I realized that there could be some people who forgot the names to some fics and might be trying to find them.

Taking that into consideration, if there are any fics that you guys are also looking for but forgot the names of, please write it into the comments and maybe we can help each other. Lol.
For instance, I forgot the one fix where Liam is going to the club with Louis (?) and he goes to Zayn and maybe he can't sleep or maybe he's cold/hot Idek but they do the do and afterwards Louis asks if he still wants to go to the club to which he says no.


Summary: It had all been so normal, until suddenly it wasn't. Hell, Liam had been nervous. It seemed ridiculous now - to be worried about proposing when there were much more pressing things to feel distressed about. Like time travel, for instance.
(Or, the one where 2010 Zayn pays a visit and Liam and Zayn aren't quite sure how to deal with it. Until they are.)

Lastly, I know nothing about time travel. Literally nothing. That said, enjoy :)
Work Text:

The main trouble with having two Zayns, Liam thought, leaning against the brick wall of the apartment building, was that half the time he could barely handle having one. Zayn and Liam had found a certain balance over the years – an equilibrium, of sorts, a cycle of give-and-take – that worked for both of them. But now, without warning, things were unstable, off-kilter, spinning out of control. And Liam was caught directly in the middle of it.

He fished a lighter out of his pocket, cigarette already resting soothingly between his lips. The cool night air felt good on his face, calming, and the smoke was going to feel even better in his lungs. Yeah, he'd promised to quit, but this was – this was extenuating circumstances, okay?

It's not every day that you come back from dinner to find your boyfriend – soon to be fiancé, if everything went according to plan, although obviously he was gonna have to postpone things on that front – and a younger black-haired boy red-faced and screaming at each other.

"Whoa, okay calm down," Liam had said automatically, stepping between them and putting a mollifying hand on Zayn's arm. "Who's –"

And that's when he started to notice – the younger boy looked really familiar. Like – freakishly so. And he was staring curiously up at Liam, a little smile on his face and his eyes – gorgeous, unmistakable eyes with a little freckle in the left one that sent a jolt through Liam – sparkling with mischief.

"Wow, you really grew up, didn't ya?" he said, and Liam jumped back with an undignified little yelp.

"What the fuck? What – Zayn? What's going on?"

Zayn – the younger Zayn, that is, and what the fuck – stepped forward to follow him and poked Liam in the chest. "Whoa, nice," he said admiringly. "You've got pecs of steel. Can I see?" He reached for the hem of Liam's t-shirt while Liam just stood there, dazed, wondering when he'd fallen into a dream.

"Quit it!" Zayn – current Zayn – hissed, slapping his younger self's hand away. "Hands off! What's wrong with you?"

"Don't shout at me," younger Zayn pouted. "It's not my fault that I'm here. I'm the victim. I didn't ask for this."

"Well neither did we!" Zayn snapped, crossing his arms. He glared up at Liam like this was somehow his fault, and Liam held up his hands placatingly. His own voice sounded strangely tinny and artificial in his ears.

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