That one time "needing a hand" actually worked

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Liam only comes up to check on Zayn, the four of them skeptical about the boy insisting on sleeping alone after the accident, but not even Liams attempt at logic had been able to persuade his friend. He insisted that he's tired, that he'll be fine, that he'll call if he needs anything, and Liam saw the stress lines on his face that tell him Zayn is in pain and didn't mention that having both of his arms broken makes picking up a phone kind of difficult.

But he worries, because Liam is a worrier, and while he knows he's not the only one it seems that Louis and Harry are content to let it go, arguing over a movie they won't end up watching because ten minutes in someone will find some reason to start a tickle fight, and Niall is too busy trying to decide whether he wants pizza or fries (and will end up ordering both, as usual) to really seem to spare their missing band member a second thought.

And it's not like this is the first night since Zayn broke his arms, but it's the first night he's sleeping alone, and Liam finds himself, well, sulking. He'd say that he just likes keeping an eye out for everyone, that he feels much better when he knows his friends are okay, but he misses having Zayns eyes on him, even if it's too pathetic to admit out loud.

So when Harry and Louis are rolling around on the floor and Niall is happily distracted by food and football, Liam mumbles something about going to check on Zayn and leaves the room before anyone can process what he said. He doesn't think they'll keep him from going, but they might give him flack about it, and it's much much worse when he's too tired to retaliate and ends up flushing so dark that Louis wants to tug down his shirt to see if it reaches all the way down to his collarbones.

It's not like his crush on Zayn is a secret, sometimes Liam suspects that even Zayn knows, it's just that nothing's ever been done about it. He's thought about it – done more than just thinking about it on those nights that he's been lucky enough to get a single bedroom – but there've always been reasons. Danielle. Perrie. The need for a night out. The early start next morning. The fact that he's not necessarily too scared but mostly too awkward to start a conversation aboutthis between them. Zayn is... he matters. Liam wants to do right by him, as corny as it sounds, so while he doesn't currently have a plan to move their relationship forward, he has a plan to make plans. Ish.

His not-very-evolved plan is shot to all Hell when he opens the hotel door to find Zayn humping a pillow.

Liam is torn between backing out, doubling over in laughter and maybe also potentially creaming his shorts a little because this should not be hot but it is.

The way Zayn is moving his hips, tiny little shifts and rolls, face red and screwed in concentration; he's beautiful. And Liam is so so painfully hard and he thinks that maybe so much blood rushed south that he can't be held accountable for the words that come out, for the way his body decides to shut the door and move towards the bed when he should be courteous and give his friend some privacy. But he's not leaving, his eyes still stuck on the way Zayn grinds into the pillow, the little grunts that sound both frustrated and turned-on, and Liam is so utterly turned on that he can't help himself.

"You look like you need a hand." He offers, his own suddenly feeling too big for his body, too clumsy, and Zayn flails comically and falls on his ass, cast nearly hitting Liam in the face when his instinct is to steady him.

"Li, what the fuck" Zayn starts, anger bubbling up in an attempt to hide his embarrassment, but Liam is sort of stuck on the way his jeans are half undone and his boxers are wet with pre-come. He might do something as totally corny as lick his lips, he isn't even aware of anything but Zayn. Zayn all pretty and flushed and glaring at him with those dark eyes.

"Maybe two" He says, and Zayn scoffs, looking helpless as he tries to do something about his situation, two plastered arms making it difficult to even do up his jeans and Liam is so okay with that.

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