Your Hands In Mine

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Liam + Zayn + Louis ??? Yeah 😎



Liam meets Zayn on a dating site -- but then he meets Louis and his entire world is turned upside down.


Liam learns to live with two very competitive boys who thrive off of his attention.

For sunnybun.
First off, I want to thank those who beta'd and cheerleaded me through writing this. As a pinch hitter, I did my best with what little time I had to complete this.

Also, after reading back, I realize I managed to mix up the prompt a bit, so I hope this is okay!
Work Text:
Liam moves in to town with optimism practically spilling out every time he opens his mouth. He greets strangers on the street, unphased by the ones who appear grumpy and non-responsive. Their day will come, he thinks.

He doesn't even mind when it starts to rain, and he's forced to carry boxes from his car up to his new flat on his own. When he's finished moving, he looks around, boxes strewn about. He's soaked, exhausted but was matters the most is he's happy.

The first night is an adventure. Liam struggles to put his bed frame together, realizes the proper tools are packed away in one of the boxes, and decides he'll pretend he's camping until he's less exhausted. Stifling a yawn, Liam drags the mattress into the corner of what will be his bedroom and spreads out with a sheet that he curls up into. Eyelids heavy, he lets them shut.

In the morning, Liam's new roommate, Zayn, is moving in. They haven't technically met outside of the many, many texts they've exchanged (with help of an Internet ad that Liam refuses to admit was actually a dating site), but Liam thinks he sounds respectable enough. He makes a mental list of everything he knows about Zayn so far: he's an art student, avid comic book collector and like Liam, is moving out on his own for the first time.

He knows it's risky, moving in with some guy he's met on the Internet, but they bonded quickly and Liam knows they'd be dating had they met in a more traditional way. The more they spoke, the two realized how similar their predicaments were -- both young, moving to the same area with no real connections to the area and thought, well why the hell not?

He sends Zayn a quick 'see u tomorrow!' text and smiles wide he gets a response.

can't wait! x

Months of preparation have led Liam on this path that he just knows is the right one. He falls asleep with a smile on his face, excited for the day he has planned ahead. There's nothing that can bring him down now.


The first thing to go wrong is entirely Liam's fault. In his defense, he totally set an alarm for seven -- just didn't realize he'd hit PM on accident. So he wakes up in a panic, phone buzzing and someone knocking on the door. Loudly.

It wasn't how he wanted to meet Zayn, eyes bleary with sleep and hair a complete mess. He'd sent him a few sleepy selfies before, but nothing he hadn't prepared for first. He apologizes several times before he even has the door fully open. Liam pictures what's going to greet him -- the boy with dark eyes, who seemed so friendly, looking down right annoyed with him for seeming so irresponsible right off the bat.

But when the door opens, so does Liam's mouth. It isn't Zayn, but instead a shockingly attractive boy with equally messy hair, blue eyes and hands resting firmly on his hips. The only thing Liam got right is the look of annoyance that he so rightfully expected.

"About fuckin' time," the boy mumbles and helps himself inside.

He definitely isn't Zayn.

"I think you've got the wrong--"

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