here's my hand (if you'll take it)

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By: vineasphodel
Summary: "I--" he gasps, but Zayn shushes him with his thumb pressed to Liam's bottom lip. I love you, he thinks, chest aching like it might burst from how much he feels. I love you so much, I've always loved you. But Zayn watches him with soft, half lidded eyes and he traces Liam's mouth until he presses their mouths together with messy precision.

It starts a wildfire in Liam's heart and he doesn't want it to stop, but he does.

or the fic where it's seven days until zayn's wedding. four times liam holds his tongue and one time he doesn't.


"I struggle with wanting you all the time,

so please don't mistake my silence for indifference.

It's just I have to hold myself back because I feel too much.

Too often. Too wildly out of my control."

---- Tina Tran, My words don't say much at all.

* * *

6 days left.

The first time it happens, it's on the last Monday in June after they've met with the tailor.

Ever since the announcement in late April that Zayn and Perrie was finally getting hitched after years of holding the wedding off, it's been a non-stop rollercoaster of interview after interview. It's perhaps the biggest gossip that ever hit the papers, every news article, every single breaking news headline that reads 'ZAYN MALIK AND PERRIE EDWARDS -- TYING THE KNOT THIS JULY.'

And everyone is so fucking excited about it. The buzz never stops, no one ever doesn't ask about simple wedding plans like the theme and whether One Direction will be performing there or not, no one never doesn't ask about what it's going to be like getting married in France and in Disney no less, the wedding Perrie's always wanted. Paps want to know what the buzz is every time even one of the boys, or girls of Little Mix, is seen out in the streets. It's question after question, to every single one of them, not just Perrie and Zayn. They all have to deal with it.

Liam finds it extremely annoying. Not just the constant questioning either, not just that he can't step a foot outside without a pap coming up to him and asking what's the latest on his best friend's wedding, while taking snap shots of him leaving a club no less. But it's the entire wedding as a whole, as terrible as it sounds. It's the fact that Liam knows Zayn, knows his boy, knows what he's thinking most of the time, knows how he feels in certain situations. And the wedding, marrying Perrie, it doesn't feel real, doesn't feel organic or genuine when Zayn can't even talk about it for more than five minutes without wanting to change the subject. And it's not that he doesn't want to be happy for Zayn either, because he does. Zayn's happiness means the world to him, and he would sacrifice so much just to ensure Zayn's, well, happy.

But it's that nagging tug at the back of his stomach every time the wedding is mentioned, and was mentioned in the past. It's the taste of bile on the tip of his tongue when Zayn is congratulated and he nods, rubbing at his chin with his hand and thanking them for their best wishes. It just doesn't sit right with him, doesn't feel genuine because it's so hard to believe. It's the way that Liam has to subtly shake his head when Zayn is asked if he's sure that he wants to do this. It's the way that Liam's hands shake and he has to ball his hands into fists whenever it's brought up, the way he finds himself biting back his tongue because he doesn't want to scream This wedding isn't happening, it won't ever happen, why doesn't anyone get that? Because Liam never thought the wedding was actually going to happen, just thought that Zayn got carried away with himself, rushed into the engagement because he wanted something stable in his life, something consistent with all the craziness that came with the band. And Liam got that, he did. He just never thought Zayn would think to settle with Perrie when he never really saw her, barely kissed her and always purposely missed her mouth because Zayn never really said that he loved her in the first place. And the thing was, Liam was completely sure that this would all just fade away. Zayn would come to realize that this is something that he didn't really want and the engagement would be off and all would just go back to normal. It was supposed to go back to normal.

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