"I love it when you're jealous."

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Summary: Jealous and possessive Zayn.

By: me...😳


"Zayn will you stop looking out the window. It's getting kinda weird." Louis says to a Zayn that had been creepily peeking out of his and Liam's house. He was watching as Liam talked to their neighbor.

"I knew Alex had a thing for him..." Zayn mumbled. Niall sighs as he watches this sad moment. Harry chuckles and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Zayn, Liam would neve—" Louis was cut off by Zayn gasping.

"He's touching him!" He yelled as he banged on the window. "Hey! You! Yes you! Stop touching him! He's mine! Get your own, and stop touching what's mine!" Zayn yells. Harry laughs at the scene.

"Just because Liam's hot doesn't mean he's going to be hit on by everyone." Harry says looking at him amused.

"Don't call Liam that." Zayn glares at him. Harry raises his arms in surrender.

"I wasn't trying to get a pass at him Zayn. Calm down," Harry states.

"Better not," Zayn mumbles. Just as Louis was about to say something Liam walks in. Zayn eyes light up like it's Christmas Eve when he sees Liam, and he smiles widely. Zayn gets away from the window and goes towards Liam. Liam automatically smiles down at him, and Zayn's legs almost buckle. Liam wraps his arms around him and kisses the top of his head.

"So our neighbor is scared of you now." Liam says smirking at Zayn.

"What? why?" Zayn says faking innocence. He hears Louis snicker in the back and he flips him off. Niall laughs as he does.

"I don't know, but maybe it had something to do with you screaming at him through the window." Liam says laughing hugging him tighter.

"That's his fault, he was touching what was mine." Zayn says already getting angry thinking about someone else touching Liam. Liam laughs when he hears this.

"I'm all yours baby, so don't worry," Liam states. He leans down to peck Zayn on the mouth. Zayn smiles pulling him in for a longer kiss.

"Well, that was...um, interesting?" Niall starts, "but imma leave."

"Me too," Harry says.

"Yeah same," Louis follows. Liam pulls away to say goodbye and Zayn whines when he does. Liam chuckles and leans down to Zayn ear.

"Be patient baby. I'll touch you in awhile,okay?" Liam whispers. Zayn shivers and gasps when Liam grabs his ass. "Bye lads! Have a good day!" Liam yells as they walk out.

"We will! You guys as well! Go show that neighbor how much Liam is yours Zayn! But not to much we don't want the police coming again thinking Liam murdered you by the way you're screaming." Harry yells laughing remembering when that actually happened as he shuts the door.

"Oh, I will." He says, eyes covered in lust as he watches Liam. He then grabs Liam's hand dragging him to their room.

"I love it when you're jealous." Liam says laughing behind him, making Zayn smile.

I'm sorry for all the grammar errors you just read. I decided to write a Ziam one shot, and I'm not the best at grammar, so I apologize for that. Anyway, I hope you liked it...


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